Thanks for bumping the thread Paul, I hadn't seen this before. My comments based on skimming the submissions thus far:
Roy Janik wrote:But yeah, I liked the show, but I never felt the inclination to go back. I would've if it had come up.
Co-owner of the Hideout Theatre, ladies and gentlemen!
HerrHerr wrote:Kevin did Demon Voice very well. Got a five. since then, I've done several Demon Voices.
Pretty sure I remember this one. The Demon Voice told me I was playing Nintendo. Then the killer mushrooms started coming out of the TV. I ended up getting the princess. Button line: "I KNOW what comes next!" Now the memory is sweeter knowing Ceej was in the audience.
ratliff wrote:I may be forgetting something, but I'm pretty sure the first live improv I saw was Get Up's Hideout show at Out of Bounds 2005
Mind blown.
hujhax wrote:I moved to Austin in April of 2000. A month later, I got pulled over for running a stop sign.
Excellent scene set-up for Evil Peter Rogers.
Katherine wrote:Andy threw out a chair, but it was unclear if he was starting a scene or just moving the chair. Kareem looked at him for a second, and then you knew, "Oh wow, they are going to make a scene with this chair thing." I thought that was pure magic.
God I love those moments.
My first show was Freudian Slip in College Station on a weekend visit to A&M, circa 1998. They asked for a volunteer. I leapt onstage. It was a courtroom game; I was the defendant, and both lawyers left the room while the crowd decided on what I was being accused of. Then the lawyers returned and tried to determine what the case was while they tried it.
When the defense attorney started his opening statement, he said: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury! The only thing this man is guilty of is a receding hairline!" (Insulting an audience volunteer? SERIOUSLY?) Of course I took it in stride, feigned despair, and crawled under my chair.
Show #2 was ComedySportz on the UT campus, circa 2000.
Show #3 was Andy's graduation show, fall 2001. I started Level One with Shana the very next morning.