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Posted: December 1st, 2011, 3:08 pm
by Ruby W.
*Bump* This is tomorrow! Let's all do one final push to advertise. If we can each bring two people, we've sold out the house!!!

Remember call time is 7:15. Call me if you're running late so that you don't lose your spot! 512-913-1062.


Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 10:48 am
by Lindsey
Can I still sign up? Sure would enjoy playing.

EDIT: I'll show up. If I get to play, I shall be ever so thrilled.

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 11:43 am
by Ruby W.
Hey Lindsey - please show up! But sadly I can not promise you a spot. :

For future reference I post the Fancy Pants sign-up list the last friday of every month :)

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 12:51 pm
by Jolene
I just bought my ticket because I don't want to miss it. I really wanted to play in it, but I chickened out....I'm already kicking myself.

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 12:58 pm
by Ruby W.
next time Jolene! You can do it! :-D

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 1:01 pm
by Jolene
Yeah, I figured I'd come and watch tonight, and get a feel for it. I've never seen it, and I've only been on stage once for my level 2 performance.

Fancy Pants spot 12/2

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 2:50 pm
by Thomas Neeley
Ruby - Sorry, but I have to cancel. There's a meltdown at work. I guess this frees up a spot for some lovely and talented improvisor. Cheers. :(

Re: Fancy Pants spot 12/2

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 4:05 pm
by Ryan Hill
Thomas Neeley wrote:Ruby - Sorry, but I have to cancel. There's a meltdown at work. I guess this frees up a spot for some lovely and talented improvisor. Cheers. :(
Aw, man. I'm bummed you won't be there, but yeah, you made someone happy.

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 5:04 pm
by Lindsey
I'll take it!

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 5:18 pm
by Ruby W.
you got it Lindsey

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 5:47 pm
by Ryan Hill
Jolene wrote:Yeah, I figured I'd come and watch tonight, and get a feel for it. I've never seen it, and I've only been on stage once for my level 2 performance.
Jolene, I understand your nerves. I think we've all had them and they're just something you have to work through. Fancy Pants is an ideal environment for beginning improv performances.

Your time on stage is short and structured. You can participate in picking what game or scene you will do. You have Ruby right there to help if you get in a tight spot. You also have your scene partner. It's also a bit like a beginning improviser party. It's a lot of fun.

I highly recommend biting the bullet, clicking that mouse button and doing it. I think the first time on stage as an improviser is one of the hardest, and once you're done with's done! I was freed up immensely after my first Fancy Pants, and the anxiety level leading up to it was very manageable. (As Roy told me once, "That's the idea.")

I think you'll be thrilled after your first performance, and the lead up to it won't kill you. :-)

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 10:39 pm
by Jolene
Thanks for that Ryan! Yes after seeing it tonight, I will for sure sign up for next months! You all did a sooper job tonight! It was lot's of fun to watch.

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 10:39 pm
by Brent Unger
Had a great time, tonight! Great to see some familiar faces and make new acquaintances.

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 12:14 am
by lizardcatking
Jolene was in the audience and didn't jump on stage for twin pillars? I feel so rejected.....

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 2:14 am
by Jolene
lizardcatking wrote:Jolene was in the audience and didn't jump on stage for twin pillars? I feel so rejected.....
Ha!! It took all I had not to!
I thought that it would be such a sad sorry execuse for the real thing..