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Posted: February 27th, 2009, 5:40 pm
by valetoile
I like "Suggestive."

Posted: February 27th, 2009, 8:30 pm
by spantell
Dave wrote: Sex in movies, when it works, works mainly because it's usually two people we would want to watch having sex (your angelina jolies and jason strathams, for example).
I totally disagree with this. I get so frustrated with the totally unrealistic "beautiful" sex in movies.

The best sex I've seen in movies has been realistic and funny! But it's rare. Spike Lee's done it in a couple movies. A couple memorable scenes in that old movie called College Days or something. And there was a recent movie with I think Julie Delpy in France where there was a sex scene that actually reminded me of mine (they never actually did it.)

I confess I've had fantasies of improv sex (and before/after discussions,) but I'm shy.

Posted: March 1st, 2009, 10:39 am
by Marc Majcher
jose wrote:Unless you're advertising something as family-friendly, though, I think that improv implies (if not jumps right out and says) anything could happen. That, I think, includes dealing frankly with real things that happen in real life (which happens to include sex and intimacy) as much as it includes weird, abstract scenes and scenes with ninjas and robots and dragons and stuffy British judges and whatnot.
Exactly. There's a sign up near the entrance of the theater at BATS that reads "This is not family theatre. Improvisational theatre is sexy, violent, profane, erotic, funny, terrifying, painful, mind-altering, and includes all forms of extreme behavior. You have been warned." I love that not only because it sets certain expectations for the audience - this isn't just Uncle Buck's Chuckle Hut, but an actual theater with some real shit going down inside here - but I think it also sets up a challenge for the performers, as well. It sets the bar to not only make people laugh, but to bring a wide range of expression to the stage as well, including all of that up there, and more. As an actor who improvises, I want to do all of those things - get people laughing, scared, turned on, choked up, thoughtful, awe-struck, or outraged.

Comedy is awesome, and I most certainly do love me some funny, but there's a huge palette of tones and emotions to play with on stage as an improviser, and I'd love to see more of them used, across the board. And if some of them aren't necessarily safe for your average viewer, or are too explicit to bring the kids to, well, sweet. That's how life goes, and in my opinion, that's how some of the best shows go. And I'm ready to go there with whoever wants to take that trip with me.

Posted: March 1st, 2009, 4:38 pm
by bilbo
i think all of this is related to another topic i was involved with a while ago. it is close to impossible to be completely vulnerable and fearless on stage. i find myself constantly falling into a trap of NOT allowing myself to do things because i am afraid of how my scene partner will feel or act about what i just said or did. ultimately, it comes down to a fear of judgment from other people. a couple of weeks ago in a rehearsal i was in a scene with another cookie. the only clear and apparent choice for me to make. the one choice that everyone (including me) wanted to see was for me to REALLY hug the person i was on stage with. jastroch actually had to say, "HUG HER! JUST HUG HER!" before i could give myself permission to do this. i honestly felt like it was one of the biggest moments of my improv career. it felt good. it felt honest. it felt like emotion.

i just really want to find people who want to improvise with raw human emotion. people who i can trust and who feel they can trust me. perhaps i am speaking from more of an acting standpoint, but i don't do improv to be funny. i am really not a very funny person. i love silence. i love pausing. i love connection. and i especially love that given all the right ingredients, i AM GODDAMN FUCKING MOST HILARIOUS! this is only when i am honest and don't have a single thought in my head about being funny. when i try, others cry. just ask anyone who has ever heard me try to tell a joke.

Posted: April 8th, 2009, 9:33 pm
by amylyn
Valorie i like your Suggestive idea