Because I'm efficient (not lazy), I'm copying and pasting my responses to others on another message board that I frequent.
I saw the "game changer" of flashing back to the island from the future (our present) a couple weeks ago when I first read about people on the show using the words "game changer". I probably should have kept that to myself though because it made the season finale not as cool for my girlfriend because she was waiting for that twist.
1. WALT!!!!!
It sounded like they digitally altered his voice to make him sound the same as he did when he left because his voice has probably changed. That or they knew this episode was coming and had him record the dialogue over a year ago.
2. Was Ben right about the parchutist?
He's right in as much as Naomi isn't who she claimed to be. Although, I'm not sure how that explains her knowing who Desmond is.
3. "She's your mother."
I loved the casual way Ben said that.
4. John's all better!
I find it a little odd that he could kill Naomi, but couldn't bring himself to shoot Jack. Not every knife throw or gunshot has to be a fatal one.
5. Future Jack. Future Kate! Future Kate's not in jail!
I never even thought about the fact that Kate's not in jail until I read the responses here. Although, I don't think it's that big of a deal because with everything the manipulators on the show can do, keeping Kate out of jail seems easy.
7. Hurley to the rescue!
That was definitely one of the highlights of the show for me. I even yelled "Whoo! Get'em, Hurley!" when I saw him mowing down the Others with the van. Not only was it a great moment for Hurley, but it was great moment for common sense.
8. Sawyer killed Mr. Friendly.
Dammit, I know he was a killer and all, but I liked Tom. I'm as upset about him dying as I am about Charlie.
9. A mystery in the casket in the future...
Like others, I think the show made a specific point in putting the funeral home in that neighborhood. Also, the name in the article probably doesn't matter at all because it might have been someone form the island set up with a different identity.
10. Future Jack regretting getting off the island!
Which helps fuel my theory that Jacob is Jack. Jack will spend the rest of his life trying to get back to the island. When he does somehow make it there, he uses Desmond or some other time astral projection device to talk to Ben as Jacob. Jacob's, future Jack's, goal will be to prevent his younger self from ever leaving the island because his life off the island is so miserable. That would mean that Locke's destiny is controlled by future Jack, Jacob. Which would mean that Jack has been fighting against himself for a lot of the series.
11. Charlie goes down a hero to give Desmond a warning! (Couldn't he try to escape and then tell?) (And, couldn't they have tried cutting the power line?)
Charlie's death was such a disappointment. I actually think I understand why Charlie shut the door with himself inside. He thought the explosion from the grenade might blow the door open if it wasn't locked. That makes sense. What doesn't make sense at all is why Charlie didn't try to swim out the window that was destroyed by the grenade. Charlie certainly looked small enough to fit through the window. A simple shot of a shark swimming in the background outside the window would've explained why Charlie didn't try to swim out, and it would've increased the tension with Desmond stuck down there.
12. Penny knows Desmond's okay! Well, at least for a moment!
Now, that she's found a signal (remember, the machines are all water-proof according to one of the dead women in the Looking Glass), can she trace it back to the island?
I like the way they played it though. Desmond shooting him was cool ("Oh yeah, there's a spear gun in that locker!"), but if they hadn't established Mikhail's earlier near-death survival, that "He's still alive!" shocker would've come off as a cheat. Also, I just think it's cool that the Odysseus character (trying to get home to Penelope, yo) went up against the Cyclops. Shoulda saw that coming.
Nice catch. I completely missed the Odysseus connection.
There's definitely a 'be careful what you wish for' vibe going on here. Most folks are so focused on getting off the island that they haven't stopped to realize that being stranded there was the best thing that ever happened to them.
I know Locke realizes that, but it looks like Jack didn't until it was too late.
We saw with Desmond's time travel/ groundhog day episode that there are some things going on with parallel universes/ time travel, etc. I'm not sure how the writers will ultimately explain this, since they've said everything has a scientific explanation, but this is what I think is going on with Jack and Kate. I think that most people on the island will die as a result of Jack calling the ship. I think the only people who will survive are the one's the Others put "on the list", Walt, Locke, Jack, Sawyer, Ben and Kate. One of those people is in the casket, I assume. I'm guessing Ben, maybe Sawyer.
I think that when the losties are "rescued", those six are transported to alternate realities where their worst mistakes were not made.
That's a really interesting theory and could make for some awesome shows dealing with parallel universes, but it may be venturing too far into science fiction/fantasy for some viewers. Then again, with the way this show has gone so far, audiences might eat it up.
Since I think this means most of the losties die, Jin, Sun, Sayid, Hurley, etc. I think they will drag out the rescue and arrival of the "Bad Guys" for most of season 4, which will probably end with Jack and Kate getting off the island and realizing that the world is different then then one they left.
God, I hope they don't do that. It's bad enough we have to wait until January and only get 16 episodes next season, but I'd kill someone if we had to watch a roughly two-hour rescue spread out over most of next season.