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I'm the Fancy! :)

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 4:24 pm
by ellascribes
Count me in!

Angela Maldonado
Level 2 (almost done!)
Three electives down (so far!)

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 4:35 pm
by beatsweetheart
Throwing my hat in, too!

Ellen Pittsford
Levels 1-5, Hideout
Various Electives, Napier Workshop
Currently Level 101 at MerlinWorks

And I now have a job where I only wear scrubs, so getting fancy is always a special treat!

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 7:48 am
by trabka
I got pants.

ColdTowne Graduate
2 1/2 total years.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 11:55 am
by Kayla Lane
trabka wrote:I got pants.

ColdTowne Graduate
2 1/2 total years.
Adam Trabka for Fancy Pants! He's one funny Bad Boy.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 12:28 pm
by Ruby W.
WOW!!! I am super pleased to announce that once again we had over 40 people sign up for Fancy Pants (I had an ENTIRE show worth of students sign up). Unfortunately, as I can only cast 21 improvisers, not everyone can be on the cast list this time around. Whether or not you were cast, everyone who signed up are lovely improvisers, and I strongly urge you to continue to sign up for future Fancy Pants. I am excited to be able to play with each and every one of you!

*Note: I do not want any students to feel as though they must "compete" for a spot to play Fancy Pants. This month, there were over 25 students who signed up and I aim to cast 8-10 in each show. If you have not been cast in the last few Fancy Pants, please be patient. Your time will come.

Having said all of that, please welcome your Feb 3rd Fancy Pants Cast List!

Adam T.
Ashley Jayne
Ashley W.
Brandon M.
Dave A.
Erica Lies
Jesse Spots
John Ratliff
Lindsey Reeves
Nicole B.
Nicole O.
Nick J.
Sam Schak

Once again I am very excited to announce that have ALL FIVE theaters represented in this show.

IF YOU WERE CAST: Call time is 7:15 pm. If you are late be sure to call or text me at 512-913-0162. If you are not there by 7:15 pm and I haven't received a call I'm going to release your spot to someone else. Having said that, if you were not cast, feel free to still come see the show! If a spot opens up you may be able to grab it!

A FANCY thanks to everyone who signed up!

- Ruby

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 12:36 pm
by Ruby W.
Also PLEASE buy any tickets you want ONLINE. We have sold out online the last few months.

Having said that, please advertise the show! Here's the link: ... antsmashup

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 6:44 pm
by Vicki
Wow...what a great group of people. Thank you so much Ruby. This is going to be way too much fun!!

Posted: January 29th, 2012, 2:01 am
by Brent Unger
How in blazes did I miss this? Ah well, gotta pay closer attention next time.

Posted: January 29th, 2012, 10:09 pm
by Ruby W.
Hey Everyone!

Michael Yew will be our Fancy Photographer!

And please start advertising the show! :) If we can all bring at least two people, then we will sell it out in no time! The show is ALWAYS better with a full house.

Here is the link to share: ... antsmashup

Posted: February 1st, 2012, 1:19 pm
by Ruby W.
Hey everyone, we are a little light on pre-sales. Let's sell out this show!

Use this link and advertise the crap out of it on Facebook! ... antsmashup

Posted: February 3rd, 2012, 10:33 pm
by Anthony
I really enjoyed playing tonight! Everyone was fantastic!

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 12:09 pm
by Ruby W.
Nick - "no one's too fond of the Adolfs"

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 12:57 pm
by davealley2
Not a quote, but loved when Mia took a second mock-slap from Ceej in the 'noire' meth lab.


Posted: February 4th, 2012, 2:26 pm
by mia
whatever John said in the football scene at the end when he cheated...

Caeriel: Do you know how long I have waited to catch you between divorces?

Mitchell: What has three knees and shrieks?

Posted: February 4th, 2012, 4:01 pm
by trabka
mia wrote:whatever John said in the football scene at the end when he cheated...
"Football is the Great American Sport because it's violent land acquisition punctuated by committee meetings!"