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Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 1:32 am
by LuBu McJohnson
OK, this is gonna sound weird, but bear with me.

I have this medical condition, I won't get into it here, but the main thing about it is that I have this peice of medical equipment...I don't know how to describe it too you other is basically a vibrating vest. You put the vest on, and then you hook it up to a machine that fills it with air, and then the machine starts pushing the air in and out of the vest, so it vibrates. It can vibrate very slow or very fast, and at different pressures and whatnot.

typically when I have people over they want to put it on, so I was thinking we could utilize this at the fundraiser somehow. Maybe I'll set up a Gigglepants booth and call it "Gigglevest." Just a thought.

Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 6:15 pm
by beardedlamb
brilliant ideas all. we're getting to scheduling this tighter tonight and tomorrow. we'll be in touch.

we could always use more ideas, too if people are down.


Posted: July 12th, 2007, 9:33 am
by shando
Please email or PM me about the final details of what you or your troupe might have to offer for the raffle by next Wednesday. Thanks.

And oh yeah, to clarify, there will be a silent auction of some bigger ticket stuff we've gotten, but most things this year will be done by raffle. Each dollar at the door gets you a raffle ticket to put into whichever recepticle corresponds to your desired item or service.



Posted: July 12th, 2007, 9:38 am
by mcnichol
shando wrote:Please email or PM me about the final details of what you or your troupe might have to offer for the raffle by next Wednesday. Thanks.
Can the items be technically illegal or grey market?

Posted: July 12th, 2007, 9:40 am
by shando
What did you have in mind. If it's really technically illegal, email off the boards and we'll discuss. Are you burning your entire record collection?

Posted: July 12th, 2007, 11:10 am
by mcnichol
shando wrote:What did you have in mind. If it's really technically illegal, email off the boards and we'll discuss. Are you burning your entire record collection?
Are crack babies, chinese toothpaste, or illegal comedy bootleg dvds technically illegal?

Posted: July 12th, 2007, 11:50 am
by HerrHerr
mcnichol wrote:
shando wrote:What did you have in mind. If it's really technically illegal, email off the boards and we'll discuss. Are you burning your entire record collection?
Are crack babies, chinese toothpaste, or illegal comedy bootleg dvds technically illegal?
Not if it's a comedy dvd about a crack baby trying to brush his teeth with aforementioned paste.

Posted: July 12th, 2007, 3:20 pm
by York99
ColdTowne will donate a certificate for a free level of classes.
The class still costs money, but the certificate is free.
Anyone? Anyone?
Alf would have laughed.