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Posted: March 12th, 2007, 12:44 pm
by arthursimone
protection hats off, gentlemen!

what a day for rain!

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 12:57 pm
by kaci_beeler
TexasImprovMassacre wrote: has anyone checked on Kaci? She hasn't respond yet and i'm worried she may have hurt herself...
I'm cool. It sounded like a lamb-esque joke so I didn't stock all my quarters in the candy machine or whatever.

The real amount is still awesome. Basically money out of nowhere.

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 2:53 pm
by Asaf
not out of nowhere. Lamb did an extraordinarily large amount of work to make that garage sale happen.

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 3:13 pm
by kaci_beeler
Asaf wrote:not out of nowhere. Lamb did an extraordinarily large amount of work to make that garage sale happen.
Lamb and I talked about that. Besides labor and time the money comes from basically nowhere because it's crap that no one will miss (overall).

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 3:15 pm
by shando
Plus I shudder to think what the depriciation on all that stuff was over time. I easily gave away stuff that cost me probably over $500, and that was just me. So what are we thinking, maybe a 98% depriciation in original value on all that bric-a-brac?

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 3:16 pm
by kaci_beeler
shando wrote:Plus I shudder to think what the depriciation on all that stuff was over time. I easily gave away stuff that cost me probably over $500, and that was just me. So what are we thinking, maybe a 98% depriciation in original value on all that bric-a-brac?
Yeah, probably close to that.

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 4:00 pm
by Miggy
Well... is there still a lot of stuff left? Can anything be done to pull in a little more with it? The rain or the spring-break weekend probably kept a lot of the usual bargain hunters away. At least we could donate it to some other good cause.

Even though the sum raised isn't the original sum we got excited for, I would like to pile on here and say a word of appreciation to Jeremy Slam for his work on this project. This would not have happened without him. We all owe him some thanks.


Posted: March 12th, 2007, 4:05 pm
by shando
I think Jeremy talked about posting a free 'junk' notice on Craiglist. Also, I or anyone else who's a member, can post it to the Austin Freecycle group. I think at this point we're not going to get a whole lot more cash for what's left and it might just be better for it to go to someone who'll take it.

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 7:04 pm
by andrea
junk may be cheap, but we ain't free.

Posted: March 12th, 2007, 10:56 pm
by TexasImprovMassacre
andrea wrote:junk may be cheap, but we ain't free.

mah junk aint cheap

Posted: March 13th, 2007, 12:08 am
by beardedlamb
the rain and my will power has sent the remaining items to a soggy graveyard in the coldtowne dumpster. i posted to the FREE list on craigslist and when i went by to throw the rest away, it was spread out all over the place. ANIMALS!
my charity does not extend to loading nasty, wet, smelly junk into my van to drive to people who will throw most of it away anyways. so i threw away all of it save a pram and val's artsy chair. i will toss these things when the dumpster opens up.

seriously though, who do i give this $240 to?


Posted: March 13th, 2007, 2:32 am
by sara farr
My guess is Erika May as she is our financial goto gal, and has the AIC bank account #.

Posted: March 13th, 2007, 8:53 pm
by valetoile
oh don't throw away my chair! I will keep it if no one wants it.

Posted: March 14th, 2007, 11:42 pm
by DollarBill
Steve Nash is great.

Posted: March 15th, 2007, 9:07 am
by Aden
Yeah, don't throw away that Vidal Sassoon clipper set either...that thing is awesome!