BAAW-HAAAA-HAA!Wesley wrote:Only when they put the nails in, but you get over it.
(Wes, you make me laugh!)
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever
BAAW-HAAAA-HAA!Wesley wrote:Only when they put the nails in, but you get over it.
I don't think this is a measure of how much you love improv (from Wes) or how big your dick is or even a contest at all. It's just how much obsessive improv related crap you've done over time.kbadr wrote:
Fuck (most of) all the other dick-measuring, pissing contest bullshit.
How did you get two decimal points in there? You're like some kind of god.Todd Crustabeast Jr. wrote:45.45.455% Improv Geekarama
I think im gonna round up.
Dave wrote:Experince, young Young. Experience.andrea wrote:48.18182% improv geekarama.
jesus. if i spend as much time as i do doing improv and i'm ONLY a geekarama?!?! i need to get serious.
82.72727% - Improv Geekarino
this is not mathematically precise.majcher wrote:Ten Million Percent. Suck it!
Ooooh...BURN!!!andrea wrote:this is not mathematically precise.majcher wrote:Ten Million Percent. Suck it!