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Posted: January 3rd, 2007, 3:52 pm
by York99
Asaf wrote:We can get all the Jewish improvisers together and call it HannuCon.
I hate how exclusive you Jews are. Everyone at my country club agrees.
Posted: January 3rd, 2007, 4:33 pm
by the_orf
There's also
Evans/Reese in NYC, one-half of
Amnesia Wars who sit on stage behind microphones and do improvised radio-type scenes, tell anecdotes about their week, and occasionally give relationship advice even though they are eminently unqualified to do so. High comedy.
Posted: January 3rd, 2007, 4:40 pm
by the_orf
Three groups that need to happen:
Lamb of Orf - Jeremy and I discussed this at a party at Dinosaur Moonbase One. By "discussed" I mean that I told him firmly that we should do a show of this name and he looked frightened.
BeerProv - Wes Bain and me drinking my somewhat potent homebrew and waxing eloquently about the widest variety of topics possible. Occasionally we break out into a soft-shoe number, just to give the audience's collective psyche a chance to take a breather.
Straight Shooters - two straight men, Justin York and Bob McNichol, share the stage for a night of scenes that are so grounded in reality that they actually increase the local pull of gravity.
Posted: January 3rd, 2007, 4:49 pm
by shando
the_orf wrote:There's also
Evans/Reese in NYC, one-half of
Amnesia Wars who sit on stage behind microphones and do improvised radio-type scenes, tell anecdotes about their week, and occasionally give relationship advice even though they are eminently unqualified to do so. High comedy.
Do you know these guys, Orf?
Posted: January 3rd, 2007, 6:58 pm
by Wesley
Signifying Nothing just formed a few minutes ago. It consists of Valerie (Sound) and Wes (Fury). Valerie is all musical and Wes is entirely mute. They will debut in this weekend's 3fer.
Posted: January 4th, 2007, 11:28 am
by the_orf
shando wrote:the_orf wrote:There's also
Evans/Reese in NYC, one-half of
Amnesia Wars who sit on stage behind microphones and do improvised radio-type scenes, tell anecdotes about their week, and occasionally give relationship advice even though they are eminently unqualified to do so. High comedy.
Do you know these guys, Orf?
I know them quite well. I performed with Amnesia Wars for a couple years. We exchange holiday cards and jovial insults. TRUE FACT: Jason Evans is a black man from Houston, TX, who attended Vassar College.
Posted: January 10th, 2007, 8:31 am
by Clifton Highfield
Three more
Jokyr & Jester - Utah's duo performs the Shalack (sp?), and tears you up
Bare - Chicago's fuzziest group
Men in Shirts - Detroit's duo has broken themselves and others.
Posted: January 10th, 2007, 2:50 pm
by Brian Boyko
shksprtx wrote:Phil Aulie and I had talked briefly about one over the summer...I don't think we ever discussed whether it would be a two-person gig, or whether we would go for a larger cast size, but here's the basic concept:
Real Men Have Curves: Improv by fat guys, For fat guys, and About fat guys.
Could work as a two-man show. I also think it would work really well as part of a three-fer or double-bill, but maybe not so much as a stand-alone.
I'm in if you want me.
Posted: January 10th, 2007, 10:16 pm
by smerlin
Asaf wrote:valetoile wrote:Jewcy: Shana Merlin and Asaf Ronen: unkosher improv
I am always up for the Jew-prov. Shana?
Alch! The rehearsals! Oy Veh! What a farkatke idea! Meshugine!
But it would be a mitzvah for the whole mishpokhe . . . allright . . . you've guilted me in to it. I'm in.
Posted: February 6th, 2007, 3:57 pm
by exquisitezombie
Short and Sweet: Michael Ferstenfeld (short) and Caitlin Sweet (sweet), before she left for New York. Sigh.
Polite Society: now pretty much just Mike and Andy
Gospelprov: Jesus and Judas, the ultimate jewish comedy duo!
Posted: January 29th, 2008, 6:41 pm
by TexasImprovMassacre
Twin Towers: Chris Trew and Cody Dearing
Posted: January 29th, 2008, 8:49 pm
by LuBu McJohnson
I had been thinking of just mixing my pseudonym(LuBu) with other people's names to see what I come up with:
w/ Cody Dearing: Code Bu
w/ Chris Trew: Trew Bu
w/ C.J. Allen: LuAllen
w/ Rachel Mardosky: Bu Sky
w/ Sara Farr: A Lube too Farr.
w/ Asaf Ronen: AsBu
w/ Arthur Simone: Luthur
w/ Dave Buckman: BuckBu (also similar to BookBu w/ Tom Booker)
w/ Nick Ramirez: Lick
w/ Bob McNichol: BobBu
w/ Jeff Britt: LuBritt
w/ Kristin Firth: LiliBu
w/ Roy Janik: LuRoy
w/ Erika May: LuMay
w/ Kaci Beeler: Buuler?
w/ Shannon McCormick: McBu
obviously, these aren't groups, but it was still fun to type.
Posted: January 30th, 2008, 4:53 am
by mpbrockman
Ha! Enjoyed that!
Who's name ends in "yah"?
Posted: January 30th, 2008, 9:14 am
by vine311
mpbrockman wrote:Ha! Enjoyed that!
Who's name ends in "yah"?
There's always Yamina.
Y'all forgot to mention us
Posted: January 30th, 2008, 4:54 pm
by ColaSisters
The Cola Sisters!