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Posted: December 28th, 2012, 1:35 am
by jillybee72
My biggest clusterfuck is cumulative.

Which is to say, which is to say, I've stepped on someone's line so many times and continue to do so. When I get to heaven I hope I get to hear all the things my scene partners were going to say if I hadn't been such a bulldozer, that would be a tremendous gift. I try to be better, I hope for patience.

Posted: December 30th, 2012, 4:15 pm
by Spots
jillybee72 wrote:My biggest clusterfuck is cumulative.

I've stepped on someone's line so many times and continue to do so.
Hmm. Now that you mention it I think I curbed my own problem with this. I haven't thought about it in a while but this used to be my biggest hangup. In fact my classmates would ask me about it. Milo would politely address the group about it rather than tell me directly "Jesse stop steamrolling everyone."

When I hit Level 3 I steamrolled practically every scene because I was getting my head around "finding the game." Obviously its much easier to force along & control the game rather than be confident that it will be there.

Plus my stage anxiety would make me look for the game faster & faster. Hence I accumulated alot of straight characters who were angry and such. Man, I miss those characters.

I'll have to start faking anxiety.