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Posted: August 18th, 2012, 10:07 am
by Brad Hawkins
Then there's the kid's show where Amy Averett's son keeps getting in trouble with the ship's captain: Journey to the Brig, Walter.

Posted: August 18th, 2012, 11:43 am
by jillybee72
Have you seen that show where the two old ladies, one of whom is a dog, sing songs? Biddy Diddy?

Posted: August 18th, 2012, 3:06 pm
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
i'm a big fan of those two merry mirth makers of Austin improv, C.J. and Dav.

Posted: August 18th, 2012, 7:17 pm
by Brad Hawkins
Nothing that I've done since has been quite as challenging as playing slowly-dying country folk in every show with my first troupe, Three Shot Hicks.

Posted: August 19th, 2012, 10:58 am
by jillybee72
I like that show where a monologist just tells the same old dry stories they always tell, what's it called?

Posted: August 21st, 2012, 11:18 am
by JediImprov
Nicole Beckley wrote:I just saw this group that does a lot of great status work called Shades Of Renown.
OMG - just fell out of my chair on that one.

Posted: August 21st, 2012, 11:21 am
by JediImprov
Ive been thinking about the older dudes getting some representation, maybe Paul and I could to do a New York kind of thing, like Two Guys Gone Bonkers or something. It could happen? Or a grounded A&M inspired troupe that, say, Brad could run with, something simple.... Sheep. :P :evil: :arrow:

Posted: August 21st, 2012, 11:23 am
by kbadr
jillybee72 wrote:I like that show where a monologist just tells the same old dry stories they always tell, what's it called?

Posted: August 21st, 2012, 11:29 am
by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell
i like that one woman musical show, about the fortunes of a Cuban bootlegger...Rum Kaching!

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 9:03 am
by thedward
I'm looking forward to The Prime Directive wherein the cast of In Our Prime improvise a grounded, touching narrative in the world of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The first show will have Jason Oliver guest starring in the role of Wesley Crusher.

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 10:18 pm
by Thelma
I'm going to suggest the name for a troupe:

Barbie has no Nipples
Catfish Fajitas
Fiends in Low places
No Meat No Heat

I can't quite decide

Posted: August 24th, 2012, 7:36 pm
by B. Tribe
I'm in a troupe with 6 other dudes where we all do Michael Cera impressions. We're called "Cera Seven".

Posted: August 24th, 2012, 7:37 pm
by B. Tribe
Brad Hawkins wrote:Nothing that I've done since has been quite as challenging as playing slowly-dying country folk in every show with my first troupe, Three Shot Hicks.
Wow, dude, I read this thread backwards. Holy crap, LOL fo rlz.

Posted: August 24th, 2012, 7:39 pm
by B. Tribe
I'm in a two person thing where we play humans driving around in a Transformer called "In Our Optimus Prime".

Posted: August 24th, 2012, 7:42 pm
by B. Tribe
And I'm about to debut my show about local infectious diseases that leave open sores: "Austin Secretes".