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Posted: July 28th, 2006, 1:12 am
by phlounderphil
I'ma start a new thread in the DISCUSSION forum with your post Jeremy, in order for us to have a new thread to discuss this in...

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 12:19 pm
by xaq
I want to talk about the Hideout's future and insist on better publicizing for events/shows...ESPECIALLY if you "own" the show slot.

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 12:35 pm
by deroosisonfire
the agenda has been updated to reflect a few changes.

here is the latest version.

Posted: July 29th, 2006, 1:40 pm
by Roy Janik
I want to discuss the AIC's policy on comps for shows because it has become unclear as of late.

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 1:31 am
by deroosisonfire
to reflect our discussion of president i have made one final draft of the agenda. it's posted here.[/url]

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 3:14 pm
by beardedlamb
well, that was the breeziest meeting i've ever been to. there was a quorum of 8 people and we elected bob apthorpe our president. we'll be paying him $600 / hr for 5 hours of work a week.
we also settled the membership issue. each member of each group will be giving bob $600 a day to belong to the collective.
xaq won an award for best house manager. the next meeting was scheduled for July 29, 2007. the threefer was retooled to now only include you, me, and greg and two other persona groups developed by them and starring them. the advertising committee was dissolved and reformed as the shmadvertising committee. the comp policy was adjusted to include any patron with a face. the bbq/awards show is taking place right now and i'm winning all the awards.

so, maybe having the meeting today was a bad idea. coordinating everyone's schedules is a pain in the tookus but we need to throw down a rigorous meeting schedule. we should just plan the next three meetings at next week's actual meeting so that everyone will know when they are. and then at every meeting we decide when the meeting three months from then is going to be.

see below if you're actually still reading this.

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 3:20 pm
by beardedlamb
for serious, the meeting was postponed until next Sunday when we might have a larger number of members who can attend. the collective apologizes to those who came by to find a meeting and did not find one. we hung around until 20 after 1 and then pushed it back. so, next sunday 1-4 we will try again with more people. there's a lot of important issues in this meeting that could really affect everyone in the collective, so please try to make it if you are not otherwise engaged.

SUNDAY, August 6th
1-4 @ The Hideout
General Body Meeting

b (ald)

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 3:57 pm
by erikamay

for those who are unable to make the meeting next sunday, see the print out of the financial statement in the greenroom.

as we were waiting for the (non)existent meeting to start, we discussed what needed to be done to fix the upstairs toilet. i think this is a hideout thing (andy)? can we have it done in time for the shows this coming weekend (august 3rd)?

also - is anyone using the basecamp tool anymore? its $12/month is why i ask. no need to flush (heh) money if its not being utilized.



(damn yall. its hot)

Posted: July 30th, 2006, 8:09 pm
by DougeyD
Performing this week in the 08/04/06 Three-fer will be:

1. You Me & Greg
2. Snickerbritches (pending Jeremy's permission for the jumpsuits)
3. Blue Rat 7

T-shirts for all three will be available after the show.

Oh, by the way, we found a nice, functional toilet, but it might use too much water to follow city ordinance apparently, so who knows? (not a joke)


Posted: July 31st, 2006, 11:46 pm
by acrouch
I propose we forgoe the president discussion this meeting and focus on the tasks at hand, namely capitalizing on Out of Bounds and preparing for the fall influx of students.

Let's try to get some shit done over the next month without dealing with a new organizational model, and after OoB blows over and we're safely in the swing of the fall we'll have a better idea of what we need organizationally.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 6:46 am
by phlounderphil
Another hot steamy Andyjection full of wisdom and rationality.

Wholehearted agreement from my end. Thank you Crouch.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 1:29 pm
by Wesley
I want to talk about the Hideout's future and insist on better publicizing for events/shows...ESPECIALLY if you "own" the show slot.

I agree. I'd also like to talk about getting money for said advertising and publicizing as well as help from the community as a whole in showing up to help flyer, push their own shows within the show slot, mentioning the show slots when hosting, and other such publicizing. Trust me, those of us that have shouldered the extra responsibility that is "owning" a show would like nothing more than help in publicizing them from the entire community.

I'd also like to discuss what the AIC is and isn't and what makes an "AIC" show.

This was sparked from several recent discussions where people seemed to casually interchange Hideout with AIC and from Roy's update post about and including non-AIC shows like Whirled News or Carousel. ("The AIC is clearly more than improv at the Hideout.")

Is it? What role does the AIC play in our Carousel show other than we mention it, often ask other AIC members to come play, and encourage people to head to the Hideout or website to find out more about improv? The AIC didn't get us the gig, nor does it get a cut of the gig. It doesn't help advertise the gig with Chronicle listings or on the website per se. I assume it is/was the same with ColdTowne and the Space/Velveeta.

I guess I would just like to publically restate the goals and purpose for the existance of the AIC to make sure we are all still on the same page as to what it is (and will become) and what it isn't. And to make sure that it hasn't become too amorphous in definition, scope, intent, etc. throughout the community.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 1:54 pm
by erikamay
wes wrote:I'd also like to discuss what the AIC is and isn't and what makes an "AIC" show.
i agree. we need to get clear on this now, especially as groups move to other venues with increased regularity.

i'm going to start a new post on this. so we can discuss outside the agenda request.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 2:17 pm
by ratliff
my two cents on aic:

as a person who has no plans to join a troupe any time soon, my interest may be moot, but if i were elgible to join, i would want to know the following:

1) what are the criteria for membership?
2) what are the benefits of membership?
3) what are the obligations of membership?
4) what are the group's goals?
5) what process is in place to determine priorities when two or more of these goals come into conflict with each other?
6) where does the money come from, and to whom does it go?
7) if things that are supposed to happen don't happen, or vice versa, who's accountable?

i think seven questions is enough for now.

Posted: August 1st, 2006, 5:23 pm
by beardedlamb
acrouch wrote:I propose we forgoe the president discussion this meeting and focus on the tasks at hand, namely capitalizing on Out of Bounds and preparing for the fall influx of students.

Let's try to get some shit done over the next month without dealing with a new organizational model, and after OoB blows over and we're safely in the swing of the fall we'll have a better idea of what we need organizationally.
ding. i agree. getting a president or not getting a president is only going to distract from the whirlwind of possibilities we could utilize focusing on publicizing AIC at oob. and focusing on making oob great.

ding. your tea is ready.