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Posted: September 23rd, 2011, 3:42 pm
by Justin D.
Jon Bolden wrote:Awesome cast! Can't wait to work with all of you.

That said... I wanted to let you know that this week will be improvised FEAR FACTOR, based on the popular TV show. We have been researching people's fears and phobias and are prepared to bring them out for each scene.

Brad will have to eat bugs if he messes up the alphabet game, Ruby will play he said/she said in a snake pit, and Mitchell's fear of success will inevitably lead him to the Maestro position.

I jest, I jest... regular Maestro y'all!
It's a good thing I can't play this week, because no knows what I'm afraid of.

What is nothing.

Posted: September 23rd, 2011, 4:14 pm
by joshbronson
You rock, Alex!

Can't wait to play :D

Posted: September 24th, 2011, 10:12 am
by Halyn
Jon Bolden wrote:Awesome cast! Can't wait to work with all of you.

That said... I wanted to let you know that this week will be improvised FEAR FACTOR, based on the popular TV show. We have been researching people's fears and phobias and are prepared to bring them out for each scene.

Brad will have to eat bugs if he messes up the alphabet game, Ruby will play he said/she said in a snake pit, and Mitchell's fear of success will inevitably lead him to the Maestro position.

I jest, I jest... regular Maestro y'all!
There is nothing scarier than dating Jon Bolden...bring it on.

Posted: September 24th, 2011, 5:28 pm
by ChadW
Puh puh please don't make me date Jon Bolden! Anything but that! Especially on stage, like for a solo scene challenge or something!

Posted: September 26th, 2011, 12:48 pm
by Jon Bolden
Solid Maestro the other night.

I particularly enjoyed and wanted to mention a scene near the end with Ryan and Mitchell. It was a scene with no suggestion and there was almost no direction in it, especially none that steered it to a crazy or comical place. The players discovered a realistic scenario with a father & son fishing. The Mother had passed away many years ago and Mitchell (the father) was breaking the news about meeting another woman and deciding to get married. Ryan had caught a fish and said he was going to dedicate that one to the late mother and catch another one for his new mother. It was touching, and I sensed that most in the room were moved by it. Interestingly, though, the audience wasn't sure how to "score" it for Maestro. I would have certainly given it a "5", but I could tell by some titled heads and looks on faces that they didn't know if it was a "good "improv scene because it wasn't funny to them. There were lots of Awwws and a great applause at the end, so I think perhaps they were just confused by how to score it. It just goes to show how much a expectation improv has as being a comedy medium. I mean it makes sense, I just think it's fascinating. Kudos to those performers to committing to the reality of that scene and delivering something honest and inspiring.

Posted: September 26th, 2011, 1:30 pm
by Ryan Austin
Thanks Jon! I really enjoyed playing that scene. I hadn't come across any straight drama stuff in class yet so it came as a surprise, but definitely a good surprise.

Couldn't have done it without Mitchell! (And Halyn's awwing)

PS. Thanks everyone for all your support in my first Maestro! I felt very safe playing with such incredible and talented improvisors.

Posted: September 26th, 2011, 1:33 pm
by MitchellD
Ryan Austin wrote:Thanks Jon! I really enjoyed playing that scene. I hadn't come across any straight drama stuff in class yet so it came as a surprise, but definitely a good surprise.

Couldn't have done it without Mitchell! (And Halyn's awwing)

PS. Thanks everyone for all your support in my first Maestro! I felt very safe playing with such incredible and talented improvisors.
Yarr. You too Ryan!

Posted: September 26th, 2011, 2:01 pm
by Ryan Hill
I LOVED that scene because it showed me what you can do with improv. I'm somewhat acquainted with both the improvisers and they're both big goofballs, but they DIDN'T (with some direction from Jon) go to the goofball place.

I thought the choices you both made were really great.

Jon, I completely agree with your assessment of why the scoring was so spread out across the board. I clapped loud for five, but my guess is that people were thinking, "That wasn't funny..."

It was a very touching scene and I was totally impressed with all involved for taking that risk.

Posted: September 26th, 2011, 2:03 pm
by menelaos
I agree, that was a fantastic scene.

I actually used it as an example of the kind of improv I would like to do more when discussing with some people yesterday.

Great job guys!


Posted: September 26th, 2011, 2:12 pm
by MitchellD
Those are generally the types of scenes that I would like to go for when the suggestion is open ended. Because, with most of the others having a certain game to them, it usually makes them fast paced and funny. But with those you can slow down with them.

Posted: September 26th, 2011, 2:19 pm
by MitchellD
Thanks everyone. Great directing, and great improvitizing from all!