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my how things have changed

Posted: July 13th, 2006, 8:14 am
by Martha_Stewart
Charlie, Stunna, FU and The Warden...

When we did time together, you guys used to be the ones who were getting anally raped. I remeber one time when I used a bedpost from an antique Caribbean Tall Post Bed in your asses. Each of you got your own post. Does this photo ring a bell for any of you...


What has become of you? Did I do this? I fear I have created a pack of rabid monsters and who knows how many more there are like you. I used that bedpost alot.

Anyhow, it is easy to talk big behind bars. I am sure once you have a small taste of freedom, you will release some of your anger and hate. I bet you won't act like this at the cage match (lucky for you there is not an actual cage). I just might have to make a personal appearance to keep you smelly bitches in line.


Posted: July 13th, 2006, 10:11 am
by cunty
don't forget about me fuck faces

- who wants to make out?

Posted: July 13th, 2006, 10:20 am
by Martha_Stewart
Oh..I didn't forget about you Cunty. You got the lamp post in the background. Don't you remember? It was the only thing big enough so that wouldn't just fall out. Using the bedpost on you was like throwing sausage down a hallway.

Posted: July 13th, 2006, 10:56 am
by cunty
I know marthamommy -

I love my roomy cunt, sometimes when i'm sad i like to crawl up in there and hang out -

I can't wait to hit somebody

oh - there, I just punched the maid

Posted: July 14th, 2006, 9:57 am
by Martha_Stewart
Pussycake has allowed my team to implant microchips into their sweet lil' noggins. Now I can control their motions, make them read highbrow literature (Updike) or philosophy (Kant) or force them to mop stages with dirty, dirty prrrson panties.

And I can track them, detonate lil sex bombs in their cortexes and make them quote extensively from the Kharma Sutra or bad Chuck Norris movies.

In the vernacular of the the midwestern people I think of fondly...


Posted: July 14th, 2006, 12:27 pm
by shando
Hey, folks, if you want people to know about tonights matach, go here: ... e.php#more

Click recommend to boost us to the top of the list, or add comments about how awesome tonight's show is going to be.

Posted: July 14th, 2006, 3:29 pm
by Pussycake
Hey WHORES...I many need a ride on your bus tonight because I am going to be arrested for murdering Improvstitute. It will suck riding with losers!

Posted: July 14th, 2006, 3:46 pm
by sherylcoates

THe only think that is gonna suck is your mouth on our feet after we make you our bitches.

Go ahead and Send y'all sizes - I'll start making you pet harnesses from sum bedsheets.

Whos gonna comb my pit hair on sunday?

Sumbitch from meatpursecake fo sure.

Doing time in my ass

Posted: July 14th, 2006, 4:28 pm
by The Warden
Dear Bartha Stewart -

Pull the turkey out of your ass! Why would The Warden be doin' time ? I run the prison ! I'll slap your ass in Solitary Confinement faster than you can say Apple Strudel.

Eat me

Re: Doing time in my ass

Posted: July 14th, 2006, 5:05 pm
by Martha_Stewart
The Warden wrote:Dear Bartha Stewart -

Pull the turkey out of your ass! Why would The Warden be doin' time ? I run the prison ! I'll slap your ass in Solitary Confinement faster than you can say Apple Strudel.

Eat me
We did time before you were a warden, you simpleton. You were in for shop lifting beef jerkey and Mexican pastries from a Wag-A-Bag. Shoving a bedpost up your ass was the only way to make you stop crying at night. You were so afraid.


Posted: July 15th, 2006, 7:04 pm
by vine311

Posted: July 15th, 2006, 8:32 pm
by mdalonzo
I leave for a couple of months and Austin becomes Detroit. What the fuck happened to you people?