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Posted: March 12th, 2008, 4:17 pm
by Michael T
02:48:23 beep
02:48:24 bip
02:48:25 beep
02:48:26 bip

wait, wrong show

Posted: March 13th, 2008, 10:59 pm
by Rachel

Posted: March 13th, 2008, 11:18 pm
by Jeff
spoil spoil
was that an awesome episode? or was it a good episode? what happened? yeah, we know who ben's guy on the boat is. we know more about the oceanic 6. ok. i still want more answers.

despite that i can't determine how i feel about Ji Yeon yet, i loved the whole set-up and scene where we met... what's his name? kevin johnson? ha. that was great.

i wish sun and jin would have gone ahead and joined colonel kurtz.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:16 am
by Asaf
So now they are fucking with multiple time paths. One going back and one going forward. Felt a little cheesy.

I have been reading that the name for the child is very telling but I cannot find a translation of it anywhere.

It felt like there was a lot of repeating, especially of what information Kate had to share.

The only part I really liked was Juliet's trying to keep Sun there and the scene at the end between Sun and Jin. Oh and the woman jumping ship. The rest was not all that exciting or surprising.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 2:11 am
by Jeff
Yay, and now we have a new question, because we didn't have enough already: How does Jin die?

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:13 pm
by HerrHerr
They're dragging ass a bit now. Repeating info we already know, as Asaf and Britt mentioned.

The other concern is where Walt is...

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:32 pm
by LuBu McJohnson
Not only does it repeat stuff we already know, but it tries a little bit too hard to surprise you. Here is what I heard the episode say to me:

Episode: Oop, Jin's flashback is completely unrelated to anything. And he's DEAD!

Me: Uh, okay?

Jin might still be alive, but he just got screwed over with the rest of the survivors.

Also, seeing Michael was awesome. Also, what if Locke didn't have a vision of Walt and it was actually Walt?

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:35 pm
by Jeff
Pardon my fanboy chat for a second, please, but a few months ago I read Jorge Garcia's (Hurley's) blog after he'd just shot last night's episode, and he said that the big revelation in that episode floored the cast of the show like nothing had before.

Man! Jeez. It truly must be a different perspective to learn the story from being in the cast than being in the audience. They're probably so busy making the show all the time that they don't have a lot of time to look ahead and think to themselves, "Of course Michael is gonna be Ben's guy on the freighter." 'Cause we're all, like, duh over here. I still loved the scene itself. I think it was very well written, directed and acted. But I'm not the only one who saw it coming since a while back.

But Chris, regarding the coffin, I'm looking forward to a chocolate milkshake with extra whipped cream, either from Player's or Alamo. We'll see how right I am that it's not Michael.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:37 pm
by Asaf
What I am curious about is this: Were they suggesting that Ben was responsible for the bogus plane wreckage that was found?

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:45 pm
by Jeff
Asaf, that's a good question. It seems like they're privy to Ben's proclivity for making corpses out of living people. That island is brimming with virtually anonymous dead bodies, and Ben can probably locate all of them.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:51 pm
by Asaf
They might have had bodies left over from when he killed off the Dharma folks.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 1:52 pm
by Asaf
Another question that comes up: The captain knows about Widmore connection with Desmond, so Widmore obviously knows that Desmond is on the boat. Good thing or bad?

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 3:08 pm
by HerrHerr
Asaf wrote:What I am curious about is this: Were they suggesting that Ben was responsible for the bogus plane wreckage that was found?
That's what I felt. That his entire mission is to keep people from leaving the island so that the outside world will not know about the island. He is the protector or whatever of the island no matter the cost (figurative and literal). He's gotta be super-well funded.

And to your other question about Widmore knowing about Desmond and whether or not that's good for Desmond. I think Widmore probably doesn't care that much about Desmond one way or another unless Desmond were to get in his way. So, actually, yeah, not so good for Desmond...accept that (good) Penny knows where Dez is as well.

I didn't appreciate the flashforward/flashback set-up with Jin and Sun. In fact, I'm not a big fan in not knowing when the flashbacks and flashforwards take place in time in relation to the main plot--especially when it's function is to dupe the viewer.

BRYAN: You never know about Walt or anyone else who appears on the island and shouldn't be there. I just hope that the reason for these people popping up isn't some shallow reason (like another writer's titillation device).

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 5:05 pm
by Michael T
Aside from the overboarder, everything was transparent. But I felt this was a necessity, a hole-filling show, to build toward something meaty, an episode worthwhile.


The dates on Jin's headstone were 11/27/1974, birth, and 9/22/2004, the day of the plane crash.

Posted: March 14th, 2008, 5:21 pm
by kristin
maybe there's actually a camera on the gravestone back to the island, so Sun really is introducing the baby to Jin