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Posted: July 25th, 2007, 4:42 pm
by Lants
mcnichol wrote: you gotsta to go back and do pre-ELO with Idle Race and The Move. Barring a song or two, The Move's first album (plus those essential first 4 or so singles) is still pretty classic...
If I can get ahold of that stuff, I certainly will, thanks... I hadn't really thought about diving into the earlier works of these bands... Yardbirds etc... and including them as part of the discographies, but since I haven't really heard much of The Move, I'll check it out.

Oddly enough, it was just a day after I finished the last ELO album on my list (I actually didn't listen to the one that came out a few years ago) that Don Arden died.

Posted: August 8th, 2007, 1:04 pm
by mcnichol
Moby Grape - s/t LP
Fraser & DeBolt - (with Ian Guenther) LP
SRC - s/t LP
Joe Tex - The Love you Save LP

The first two I found recently at Friends of Sound, off S. Congress. The fourth was a gift from Mr. John Ratliff. That title track is unstoppable.

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Posted: August 29th, 2007, 1:15 pm
by mcnichol
lots o stuff

Tyvek - Summer Burns dbl-7" (holy mackerel!!! this is so good, as are all their other singles and their Fast Metabolism CD-R. This is exactly what I've been missing from new rock music.)
Panda Bear - Person Pitch LP (still)
Main Source - Breaking Atoms LP and Think/Atom 12"
Chills - Kaleidoscope World LP / Lost EP (esp. "Rolling Moon")
Bob Seger System - early tracks, like "Ramblin Gamblin Man"
Pre - Epic Fits LP (wow! scratchy Skin Graft madness)

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Tyvek - Frustration Rock (early demo ver.) (play this very loud)

Posted: August 29th, 2007, 1:22 pm
by Roy Janik
The god damned HeyHey/Bee Swat songs. over and over again. Get out of my brain.

Posted: August 29th, 2007, 1:30 pm
by shando
Roy Janik wrote:The god damned HeyHey/Bee Swat songs. over and over again. Get out of my brain.
Try making a music video of it. We listened to it 700 times in two days. Plus Mitch and Dave laid down the tracks, and Dave edited the sound. Our brains no worky.

Hey come along do the....

Posted: September 8th, 2007, 4:15 pm
by TexasImprovMassacre
My friend Adrienne's band Oso Closo just put up some new recordings on their myspace that are pretty incredible. It may or may not be your cup of tea, but they do have a guitar player with the last name Mcqueen, and a girl in the band...

"Oso Closo proves that everything really is bigger in Texas. Their lush string arrangements and massive guitar solos are almost as big as burly front man Adrian Hulet's beard. Hulet's soulful vocals and piano are assisted by four alums of the renowned University of North Texas jazz program. The jazz tendencies allow a freedom and spontaneity that one wouldn't expect from a typical rock band.
"On their debut album, Rest, the band makes even the most complicated songs sound easy. The technicality of 7/8 time signatures ("Reverend") and lightning-fast guitar arpeggiations ("The Friendship Song") flow effortlessly when played by a group of such talented, degreed musicians.
"As for 'Poetic,' the sludgy, four-on-the-floor verses explode into dueling guitar solos and string accompaniment. They are able to tastefully meld the piano singer-songwriter and indie-rock string section with face-melting Guitar Hero extravagance."
-NPR's Open Mic, August 6, 2007

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 1:09 am
by Miggy
TexasImprovMassacre wrote:
I liked it - thanks for the recommedation.

Right now I'm listening to the couple of albums below. The Columbia funk collection is on the excellent Sound Way label and the Budos Band just came out on the DapTone label. Both are really sweet.

...but then it's Sunday and mellow so I decided to sit down with some more songwriter-y types. Joe Henry's got a new album coming out so I thought I'd refresh with his last one. I also love the classic Costello/Bacharach CD and it breaks my heart to see it for sale for $1 used on Amazon. I just tell myself that it must be an estate sale or something...but then it makes me sad that someone died and their loved ones are selling their CD collection.

Lastly - and I'm not much of a local live music guy by any stretch, but I'm really digging the voice on this Austin girl that was recommended to me. I haven't seen her play live but she has video of her songs here (she has full back up on her album, but not in these clips): ... ed&search=


Posted: September 10th, 2007, 9:47 pm
by shando
Have any of you guy used iMeem?

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 10:57 pm
by slappywhite
Genghis Tron - Dead Mountain Mouth
Girltalk - Night Ripper
Tegan and Sara - The Con

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 11:12 pm
by Jeff
slappywhite wrote:Genghis Tron - Dead Mountain Mouth
Very nice album cover. I don't know what they sound like, but I'll find out because the cover is awesome.

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 11:17 pm
by Roy Janik
Ghengis Tron is an awesome band name.

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 11:20 pm
by slappywhite
One of the most original bands I've ever heard but to warn you, they are for reals not kidding around loud.

Posted: September 10th, 2007, 11:57 pm
by bradisntclever
I've found it harder and harder to listen to Girltalk after the new Car Stereo (Wars) album leaked.

Posted: September 11th, 2007, 12:08 am
by slappywhite
bradisntclever wrote:I've found it harder and harder to listen to Girltalk after the new Car Stereo (Wars) album leaked.
I've heard good things but haven't seen it around, wanna hook a brotha up?

Posted: September 11th, 2007, 12:34 am
by Jeff
Roy Janik wrote:Ghengis Tron is an awesome band name.
slappywhite wrote:One of the most original bands I've ever heard but to warn you, they are for reals not kidding around loud.
I downloaded some just now, and I love it. I'm reminded of Pelican and Naked City in some small ways, but Genghis Tron still sounds highly original to me.