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Posted: June 30th, 2009, 11:19 am
by Curtis + computer
Let's edit in a watered-down version of the last four hours and let the myth of the original wax like the lost ending of The Magnificent Ambersons.

Or put in a title card that says, "At this point, the exhausted improvisers plug the cable box back into the projector and spend the last four hours watching a marathon of House Hunters on HGTV."

Posted: June 30th, 2009, 4:36 pm
by troy
Melancholy here, as those last 3 hours provided some truly surreal and yet fantastically interwoven narrative threads - I was also a giggling madman at that point, and would have loved to have seen these shows filtered through the lens of the well-rested audience.

But myth and sleep-deprived memory may be what should appropriately encompass the recollection of these hours, as the whole thing is beginning to disappear into the mist - like Brigadoon, but without the kilts.

Wait - did Kareem wear his kilt for Shakespeare?
I sit to be stood corrected.

Posted: July 1st, 2009, 3:05 am
by Brian Boyko
There is one other thing.

I've already rendered a test version of the first 5 hours. I'd like to invite people to my place to watch some of it, and make sure I get feedback before I go on rendering the other 31.

There's a few things I need before I can go on:

1) The headshots used in the program for the core 8 improvisers for the intro.
2) An accurate list of all the other improvisers, on an hour-by-hour breakdown for the "Featured Players" slide on each hour.
3) An accurate list of ALL players, volunteers, and tech personell, for the end-credits.
4) A complete list of all the files you do NOT want, or cannot, put out on the Web.

For obvious reasons I'm going to cut out "The Bat" (releasing it as an MP3 file), Play By Play (copyright infringement most dire) and I believe Truth Chair was supposed to be cut out?

There's a few things I would really like before too long:

1) Video files of the event. There are plenty of videos but they've all been uploaded to YouTube; I can't grab the files I need from YouTube - I need the file that you uploaded in order to -get- it on YouTube, otherwise I can't use it.

2) Any personal confessions that you'd like to record with the benefit of hindsight looking back on the 40 hour marathon.

3) Considering that we lost the last four hours, I'd kind of like to get a bunch of interviews with the core 8 about "the idea of Improv lost to the ether" - zen sand gardens, that guy that builds structures that get washed away by the tide, you know. Can we schedule that for, perhaps, the preview of the first few videos?

Posted: July 1st, 2009, 8:11 pm
by Brian Boyko
new version of the intro is up

Posted: July 1st, 2009, 10:32 pm
by Brian Boyko

Posted: July 1st, 2009, 11:53 pm
by Curtis + computer
Brian Boyko wrote:The Bat, in MP3 Format ... r%2033.mp3
In my dreams, we hire a cut-rate Korean company to animate this entire thing.

Posted: July 2nd, 2009, 1:59 am
by TexasImprovMassacre
Brian Boyko wrote:The Bat, in MP3 Format ... r%2033.mp3
That was pretty rad.

Posted: July 2nd, 2009, 8:21 am
by Brian Boyko
Curtis + computer wrote:
Brian Boyko wrote:The Bat, in MP3 Format ... r%2033.mp3
In my dreams, we hire a cut-rate Korean company to animate this entire thing.
Doesn't Sara Farr have an animation class?

Posted: July 2nd, 2009, 8:55 am
by Roy Janik
I definitely like the inclusion of the headshots in the intro. But I miss Andy's rambly speech. I thought that was a pretty awesome introduction to the whole thing. Not to play back-seat editor or anything.

Posted: July 2nd, 2009, 9:26 am
by Curtis + computer
Brian Boyko wrote:The Bat, in MP3 Format ... r%2033.mp3
The Bat also featured special guest mighty Michael Joplin, BTW. (Unless I was so out of it that I only dreamed he was there, as I so often do.)

Posted: July 2nd, 2009, 10:21 am
by Brian Boyko
Roy Janik wrote:I definitely like the inclusion of the headshots in the intro. But I miss Andy's rambly speech. I thought that was a pretty awesome introduction to the whole thing. Not to play back-seat editor or anything.
I'm going to put Andy's Rambly Speech at the beginning of Hour 1, and use appropriate clips from the Prelinger Archives or for other videos in front of the other videos.

For example, I have a Gemini mission launch for Start Trekkin, I've taken the Cochise intro from the videos IFE has online, and put that in front (though I've replaced the "Sabotage" music for copyright reasons) and This World Tonight has an old 1930s news ticker.

Don't worry, it's not going away.