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Posted: April 25th, 2006, 4:36 pm
by mcnichol
Evilpandabear wrote:truthfully i. feel upset if i made. bob upset. because bob is a great guy. if bob were upset. and i was the one. to make him feel upset. then i would. feel like. a giant douche. doosh.
Don't feel like a douche because I'm upset. I'm not upset in the least.
Feel like a douche for playing passive/aggressive with this thread.
Please let the crack wear off before typing again.
Posted: April 25th, 2006, 4:40 pm
by phlounderphil
"Please let the crack wear off before typing again..."
I'll do the same. Jay's been painting all day, I've been sitting on my ass all day, I guess they affect us both in the same way. :)
And by the way, just so everyone knows. I love everyone. Shannon, Bob, Jay, and everyone else.
more play invites
Posted: April 25th, 2006, 6:54 pm
by erikamay
i completely missed the rude mech debate until today.
however, i strongly believe in seeing other work, and bob and i had planned to see the friday night fusebox stuff if anyone is interested.
LADIES - this show will feature jessica hedrick who is so damn funny.
i'll be back round the hideout at 11, fwiw.
Posted: April 25th, 2006, 8:11 pm
by shando
GUYS--Jessica Hedrick is also funny. And let me just say having been in a play with her, a damn fine person, too.
Also, this week you can see excerpts of I Love My Dead Gay Son, the upcoming Heathers musical. Sweet.
Posted: April 26th, 2006, 3:06 am
by sara farr
shando wrote:Also, this week you can see excerpts of ... the upcoming Heathers musical...
What?! That sounds haw-some! Where do I go to see this? (I didn't recognize the venue Erika mentioned in her post).
Also, I TOO encourage everyone to support ALL kinds of art in Austin -- we need it, and there is generally less support here than in other cities (too many people sitting at home watching tv or playing video games). And WHAT DO YOU KNOW?? You can support BOTH improv and fine art this weekend -- Saturday at Midnight some improvisers are giving mock tours of the new art museum opening up here in town. Learn more about this topic
AND! I also want to GENERALLY plug the Thursday Show once more because we've had problems in the past getting even a MEAGER sized audience to show up for that show. Luckily Shana Merlin told me she had heard the online ticket sales for this week's show have been doing well. Good job Polite Society on your marketing (if this is true)!
Posted: April 28th, 2006, 8:46 am
by kbadr
The Rude Mechs nailed it again. I highly recommend Decameron Day 7: REVENGE. It's been held over for a week, so you still have a chance.