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Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 1:43 pm
by KathyRose
Do the shows follow only the original format, with women relegated to skimpy outfits & green skin or communications & yeoman duties; or do you allow the ST:TNG & Voyager paradigms to ooze out of the tar pits?

Take my word - you wouldn't want to see me in a skimpy skirt.

Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 1:47 pm
by kbadr
The costumery/aesthetic is all original series, but we absolutely do not relegate the female cast members to playing only minor roles. The only role that's cast explicitly each week is the captain (and there are female captains in every "season" of Start Trekkin'). Besides the captain, anyone can play any type of character.

Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 2:13 pm
by acrouch
kbadr wrote:The costumery/aesthetic is all original series, but we absolutely do not relegate the female cast members to playing only minor roles. The only role that's cast explicitly each week is the captain (and there are female captains in every "season" of Start Trekkin'). Besides the captain, anyone can play any type of character.
Kacey Samiee does have a limit on the number of villains she can play in any given season.

Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 3:35 pm
by Frank
I'll be away starting mid-July... which means I'd only make 5/8 of the classes. I'd still like to do this, but if someone else would rather take the spot, I'll abide. Also, I would like to audition for the show in the fall, but again, I'm out of town for 5 weeks... please advise!

Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 8:50 pm
by sara farr
Kathy Rose Center wrote:Do the shows follow only the original format, with women relegated to skimpy outfits & green skin or communications & yeoman duties
I've seen a lot of these shows. It is a parody of the original series which was produced before the sexual revolution -- and the women of Start Trekkin, (though sometimes cast as the captain or flight crew) are usually fitted into less powerful roles than the men. Also, there is always some kind of male/female romance or implied-sex. It is one of the touchstones of the original series. Only once did I see a male imp play a woman... but that was Andy wearing a mask. Whether it is intended or not, Austin's Start Trekkin show is "macho". But it is a funny/satirical imitation of macho.

Macho -- 1. having or characterized by qualities considered manly, esp. when manifested in an assertive, self-conscious, or dominating way. 2. having a strong or exaggerated sense of power or the right to dominate.
–noun 3. assertive or aggressive manliness; machismo. 4. an assertively virile, dominating, or domineering male.

Posted: June 4th, 2008, 4:42 pm
by troy
The captain role is (even when played by a woman) usually played as a hyperbole of the Kirk archetype: "macho" yes, every man/woman wants to be him/her or be wooed by him/her, unfaltering sense of self worth, etc. Most of the other characters play counter to this position, creating dramatic/comedic dynamics that provide the bedrock of the show's narrative (i.e. it's about the relationships more than the plot - or at least we try for that). Women play ambassadors, high ranking officers, evil warlords, etc. in our show - in that, we do abandon the more obvious patriarchal aspects of the original series - a series that was well-intentioned, especially in its view of a highly evolved, culturally/ethnically harmonious futuristic Earth society.

Posted: June 9th, 2008, 4:18 pm
by troy
Bump - IF YOU...

1. like Star Trek
2. don't really like Star Trek, but think that the Start Trekkin format is fun (which it is)
3. either of the above, and are interested in developing long form skills

then you should sign up for this class. The things you will learn in this class will prepare you not only for future participation in this show, but participation in other long form or genre shows, or development of your own long form show with your own improv troupe.

So what are you waiting for!

Posted: June 9th, 2008, 4:38 pm
by acrouch
Starting this Wednesday, 7-9pm. Runs for eight weeks. $120 -- cheapest longform instruction around.

Posted: June 9th, 2008, 5:28 pm
by Matt
This looks like fun - the more people in the class the merrier! Good genre work can be applied to more than just the Trek format - I'm surprised there are slots open.

Where you at, ambitious peoples? Expand your horizons!

Posted: June 9th, 2008, 6:35 pm
by acrouch
Currently the class is:

Matt Pollock
Marc Majcher
Mark Carpenter
Justin Davis
Dario Mysteryman
Frank Wilmore
Brad Temple

We could use some ladies!

Posted: June 9th, 2008, 6:49 pm
by KathyRose
acrouch wrote:We could use some ladies!
Sorry, Andy. As much as I'd like to play Capt. Jane Fayewray, seduce all the men and kick some Klingon butt, I've already committed my summer improv training dough to Shana's 501 class. (whah whaaah)

The guys will just have to seduce each other. Live long and prosp(ect h)er.

Posted: June 18th, 2008, 6:18 pm
by Frank
A/C? Is class on for tonight?