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Posted: December 17th, 2007, 6:10 pm
by troy
I think unless you don't watch tv, read newspapers, or generally talk to people, you're going to probably hear opinions about things that are out there in life. Clearly, we all classify "spoilers" differently. I would never have categorized my comment as a spoiler, as it is something that is mentioned in almost every review of the film that I read before seeing it, and gives away none of the plot (which is what a spoiler means to me). I was so enraptured by the movie that I had even forgotten that the reviews made any mention whatsoever about the third act.
That all being said, I apologize if my comment did indeed spoil anyone's viewing experience. Also, I'd love to talk to anyone who's seen this movie about it. But, you know, in person. One human to another.
Posted: December 17th, 2007, 9:30 pm
by slappywhite
best film of 07, hands down.
Posted: December 17th, 2007, 10:43 pm
by LisaJackson
Oh yeah, I forgot by the end about holding my eyes in my hands and having my friend tell me when scenes were over, but I agree with Sara, I don't feel that showint the violence was necessary, especially involving animals. Do others disagree? Do you think there was a point to the visuals of the violence? Especially the overkill of showing the dead dog?
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 12:06 am
by Jeff
I think unless you don't watch tv, read newspapers, or generally talk to people, you're going to probably hear opinions about things that are out there in life. Clearly, we all classify "spoilers" differently. I would never have categorized my comment as a spoiler, as it is something that is mentioned in almost every review of the film that I read before seeing it, and gives away none of the plot (which is what a spoiler means to me). I was so enraptured by the movie that I had even forgotten that the reviews made any mention whatsoever about the third act.
Troy, my point is that I don't read reviews of films I want to see until after I see them. When trailers come on, I avert my eyes. We may classify spoilers differently (for example, I include statements which frame a scene with a perspective a spoiler, even if it doesn't reveal plot points. I would way rather watch a movie without thinking, "this is the part where X said Y about it.") I mean there's no hard feelings or anything, I just think it's a reasonable request that people let others know when they're going to say things about a movie outside of whether they liked it or not. Maybe I'm a poopy-head about that, but I've tried to walk in the shoes of someone who's not bothered by that, and they just don't fit me. But we're cool, brah. And NCFOM is such a good movie, I'd like to talk about it as well... but like, in person and stuff.
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 11:32 am
by Lants
LisaJackson wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot by the end about holding my eyes in my hands and having my friend tell me when scenes were over, but I agree with Sara, I don't feel that showint the violence was necessary, especially involving animals. Do others disagree? Do you think there was a point to the visuals of the violence? Especially the overkill of showing the dead dog?
I absolutely think the movie would have sucked without seeing the horrors of the violence.
speaking of violence, anyone else curious how Haneke will change Funny Games? I don't see him doing a straight Cash-in film.
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 12:25 pm
by scook
Lants wrote:LisaJackson wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot by the end about holding my eyes in my hands and having my friend tell me when scenes were over, but I agree with Sara, I don't feel that showint the violence was necessary, especially involving animals. Do others disagree? Do you think there was a point to the visuals of the violence? Especially the overkill of showing the dead dog?
I absolutely think the movie would have sucked without seeing the horrors of the violence.
speaking of violence, anyone else curious how Haneke will change Funny Games? I don't see him doing a straight Cash-in film.
I saw the violence as kind of being hand in hand with the point of the film. It's harder to really feel that point without seeing the it firsthand. It's also necessary to get a feel for the violence because it makes the juxtaposition near the end that much more jarring. That's what I thought, at least.
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 1:07 pm
by kaci_beeler
maybe a spoiler maybe not a spoiler or maybe a spoil
Yeah, I really didn't understand why the director made the choice of having a CGI robotic cat. What has happened to good ole animatronics anyhow?
And what kind of deus ex machina is sliding down a giant rainbow into a pool of tiny marshmellows? I feel cheated.
I want my money back.
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 1:15 pm
by kbadr
Thanks Kaci. I'm 10 pages from finishing the book.
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 2:46 pm
by Jeff
Lants wrote:[/size]
speaking of violence, anyone else curious how Haneke will change Funny Games? I don't see him doing a straight Cash-in film.[/quote]
Are you fucking ki-- is Han-- is Haneke is doing an American Funny Games??
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 3:01 pm
by Lants
The Brigadier wrote:
Are you fucking ki-- is Han-- is Haneke is doing an American Funny Games??
yeah, man... comes out in February... looks like everything is the same... same set even... same movie, just in english... except I have a feeling he's got something up his sleeve for this one.
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 3:40 pm
by Jeff
Lants wrote:The Brigadier wrote:
Are you fucking ki-- is Han-- is Haneke is doing an American Funny Games??
yeah, man... comes out in February... looks like everything is the same... same set even... same movie, just in english... except I have a feeling he's got something up his sleeve for this one.
Maybe those 2 young men will be nice this time...
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 3:46 pm
by Jeff
The Brigadier wrote:Lants wrote:The Brigadier wrote:
Are you fucking ki-- is Han-- is Haneke is doing an American Funny Games??
yeah, man... comes out in February... looks like everything is the same... same set even... same movie, just in english... except I have a feeling he's got something up his sleeve for this one.
Maybe those 2 young men will be nice this time...
HOLY CRAP. i just saw the trailer. It looks EXACTLY the same... like shot for shot! And by the way, dear readers, speaking of spoilers... that trailer.... sheesh...! Spoilers in it. I guess I say that because when somebody recommended I see Funny Games 6 years ago, they didn't say anything at all about it. They didn't say what the "...Game" is. They just said I'd love it, and they were right.
Posted: December 18th, 2007, 3:59 pm
by Lants
The Brigadier wrote:
And by the way, dear readers, speaking of spoilers... that trailer.... sheesh...! Spoilers in it. I guess I say that because when somebody recommended I see Funny Games 6 years ago, they didn't say anything at all about it. They didn't say what the "...Game" is. They just said I'd love it, and they were right.
Same here, rented it on VHS... the guy at the video store warned me "the trailer for it is in front of the movie for some reason... make sure you fast forward through it, don't watch it"... I did, and boy, was I glad... that trailer was worse than this one.
Posted: December 19th, 2007, 12:58 am
by bradisntclever
The Brigadier wrote:The Brigadier wrote:Lants wrote:
yeah, man... comes out in February... looks like everything is the same... same set even... same movie, just in english... except I have a feeling he's got something up his sleeve for this one.
Maybe those 2 young men will be nice this time...
HOLY CRAP. i just saw the trailer. It looks EXACTLY the same... like shot for shot! And by the way, dear readers, speaking of spoilers... that trailer.... sheesh...! Spoilers in it. I guess I say that because when somebody recommended I see Funny Games 6 years ago, they didn't say anything at all about it. They didn't say what the "...Game" is. They just said I'd love it, and they were right.
Posted: December 19th, 2007, 1:05 am
by Jeff
bradisntclever wrote:The Brigadier wrote:The Brigadier wrote:
Maybe those 2 young men will be nice this time...
HOLY CRAP. i just saw the trailer. It looks EXACTLY the same... like shot for shot! And by the way, dear readers, speaking of spoilers... that trailer.... sheesh...! Spoilers in it. I guess I say that because when somebody recommended I see Funny Games 6 years ago, they didn't say anything at all about it. They didn't say what the "...Game" is. They just said I'd love it, and they were right.
You should watch my whole life, Brad. By the way, I die at the end.