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Posted: July 20th, 2007, 1:57 am
by Marc Majcher
Posted: July 20th, 2007, 12:06 pm
by Justin D.
Wesley wrote:How can you be too influenced? What's in the book is in the book at this point, regardless.
I don't want my state of mind to be too influenced while I'm reading the book. Thinking about the myriad of different theories I'll read about the book could distract from actually enjoying the book for itself.
Posted: July 20th, 2007, 12:08 pm
by Justin D.
By the way, for those scared to click, the above is totally safe from spoilers. Unless Harry Potter is killed by Professor Plum on the way to the prefects' bathroom. If so, I'm screwed for reading it and I just screwed everyone else who read this.
Posted: July 23rd, 2007, 4:10 pm
by HerrHerr
For those of us who have never read a Harry Potter book...
...but who are interested in what happened in the book...
Posted: July 23rd, 2007, 9:41 pm
by nadine
now that i've read the book, and finally clicked on this thread...
I can smile knowingly.
:)....o O ( HAH! )
Posted: July 24th, 2007, 11:05 am
by HerrHerr
Did he die?
Posted: July 24th, 2007, 12:55 pm
by Marc Majcher
HerrHerr wrote:Did he die?
Posted: July 24th, 2007, 12:56 pm
by Wesley
And no.
She punked out on that accord by doing both.
Posted: July 24th, 2007, 2:39 pm
by Marc Majcher
Wesley wrote:
She punked out on that accord by doing both.
Just like Jesus did. Punk.
I really don't have any intention of reading this or any other Harry Potter book in the foreseeable future, but I have been enjoying skimming reviews. One of my favorite lines so far:
"Rowling is being as subtle as a large elephant with a big sign reading 'I AM SUBTLE.'"
(also, from I think the same one: "Ron Weasley: date rapist.")