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Posted: July 10th, 2007, 4:19 pm
by Roy Janik
Kristin and Lampe are also interested.
Posted: July 10th, 2007, 6:12 pm
by Wesley
What's the cast look like so far? How many?
Posted: July 10th, 2007, 6:17 pm
by Roy Janik
No cast list has been made yet. I'm personally looking for 12 players max, but I haven't discussed it with Shana.
Posted: July 11th, 2007, 11:23 pm
by eric a. garcia
i'll do lights/sound w/Brad
Posted: July 11th, 2007, 11:33 pm
by Mercutio221
Fresh off the boat....and I'd love to play!
Posted: July 11th, 2007, 11:34 pm
by acrouch
Bird! Welcome back!
Posted: July 11th, 2007, 11:45 pm
by Mercutio221
thanks Andy!
Posted: July 12th, 2007, 9:56 am
by HerrHerr
not sure actually
Posted: July 12th, 2007, 10:59 am
by joplin
I may be djing on Sat. night. not sure yet. i might show up. I might not. sorry for the flip flopage.
Posted: July 12th, 2007, 1:11 pm
by smerlin
Cast List:
# Chris Allen
# Shawn Leventhal
# Mike Kinald
# Mike Joplin
# Dav Wallace
# Bryan Roberts (Lubu)
# Jason Vines
# Aden Kirschner
# Sara Farr
# Justin Davis
# David Lampe
# Michael Bird
Box: Brad?
Music: Michael Brockman
Lights: Eric Garcia
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 1:13 am
by Mike
Wow. This was one fantastic show: High energy, great cast, and terriffic directors! (Not to mention the sweet music by the GGG's Keyboardist Michael B) Congrats to Aden for her first Maestro victory!
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 2:36 am
by mpbrockman
Big congrats Aden - and thx. to all for letting me play.
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 2:53 am
by Roy Janik
mpbrockman wrote:Big congrats Aden - and thx. to all for letting me play.
Letting you play, nutin'! Come back and play as often as you want, man. The music adds so much to the show.
Tonight's so was so enjoyable. First off, the tickets sold out a good 10 minutes before the show. That's amazing.
Second, we had an audience volunteer play as player #1, and she was awesome. It came down between her and Aden at the end.
Third, lights and music were spot on.
Fourth, I learned a lot from Shana's directing.
Fifth, I threw a lot of new/never played games at the players and they handled them masterfully.
and so on and so forth.
Shows like this make me want to direct more. It was a pleasure.
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 5:59 pm
by Lindsey
Note to all: that micetro rocked ass!
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 8:21 pm
by smerlin
Great job to Roy and all the players.
Tip of the hat to Brad who had to house manage a full and rowdy crowd.
Bravo to Brockman on the keys.
Yay for Karen, our audience volunteer player and star in the making.
Thanks for letting me direct!