I am involved in shooting a trailer for this competition, and we could use some help in the form of props - IF you have any of these things and be willing to loan them for a day, I'd be eternally grateful -
I will come and pick things up and personally return them, OR you could bring them to the Hideout this weekend if you're coming for a show - there'll be a box or something in the green room CLEARLY MARKED to put stuff in, and I will drop by both Friday and Saturday night to claim things - just put your name on it.
Anyway, our needs are thus:
Knives of any kind, in particular...
Chef's knives
Steak knifes
Butterfly knife
Throwing stars
Power Drill
Power Saw
Power Saw Blades
Shiskabob Skewers
Fondue forks
An military officer's uniform (or something similar)
A beret
Military medals
A hockey mask (a la Jason)
I need this stuff no later than MONDAY NIGHT. Thanks so much for your help -