Pendark wrote:Jastroch wrote:Also, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, legally speaking, there's no official language in the United States of America.
Illegal immigration is a problem, sure. But, I hate to say it, a lot of this is just short hand for racism. There was a very similar paranoia over Irish, then Italian and Eastern European Immigration. 80 years later, they've initigrated pertty well into our society. Or do you disaprove of Italians and Irishmen too?
I disaprove of any person going into any country and expecting to reap the benifits of the system of that country, without going through the steps to ascimilate into the system of that country.
I disaprove of anyone going to any place and expecting to retain his citizenship in his native land while having his children educated, receiving welfare from, or refusing to pay taxes in said place.
I disaprove of anyone going to any place for the express purpose of working a job they will get paid for illegally and refuse to account for as acitizen of said place must.
The difference between the Irish, English, Italian, and even Puerto Rican imigrants is that they came legally, followed legal ascimilation procedures, chose to become part of the system, and chose to contribute to the country that supports them. (And by the way, my grandfather Imigrated here from England in 1952.) It is not about is about legal.
Like many other issues, it's very easy to get bogged down in principles and concepts and lose sight of the reality of the situation and the human aspect. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal. I am a realist, though.
Although technically criminals, these people immigrating illegally are not necessarily bad people. They are looking for a better life. Even risking life and limb and imprisonment through deserts and other tough terrain to get to a place where they're not wanted and do very crappy jobs with very crappy pay and to send much of that crappy pay to relatives is better than staying where they are. Logic: they must live in a terrible situation. Backed up against that wall, I would do it. Wouldn't you? Or would you stay in the hopeless situation only to have your family suffer just so you don't break a law? They live in desperate situations.
Result: it's a struggle to keep people out who have essentially nothing to lose. Reality: change strategy. Think drug war. It hasn't worked. Drug users are winning. Stop the desire.
Our policy on immigration should not be bigger walls on the Mexican border. It should be bigger hearts. [That sounded so gay I had to say it.] It should be helping to make Mexico a better place so that they don't have a desire to come here.
Assimilation is good if we can enforce it somehow. I don't think that's really an option at this point. It's a great CONCEPT, though. So is communism.
Like it or not, this is a problem. A big one. And it's our problem. Like it or not. A good solution doesn't just solve a problem; it addresses the cause of the problem.
Was that at all what this thread was about? I've completely forgotten at this point and my soap box is too high to read the screen.