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Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - November15th

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 5:36 pm
by johnny_mcd
I would love to play!

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - November15th

Posted: November 11th, 2014, 7:17 pm
by Joy
I would love to!

Joy Parks
Hideout Levels 1-5 and B-Flat (current)
Institution Levels 201 - 301 (current)
Student shows, Maestro RAWs, Fancy Pantses, and a Fringe. :)

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - November15th

Posted: November 12th, 2014, 11:55 pm
by Marc Majcher
Our Maestro RAW cast for this week, 11/15/14!

Directors: Asaf Ronen and Kevin Miller
Patrick Creamer on tech
Tosin Awofeso on keyboard

Beth Burroughs
Beth Condra
Cagney Oritz
Chris Curl
Dimitri Khosrowpour
Doug Pendergras
Jenn Hamm
Kyle Grier
Lauren Freeman
Maria Morrow
Robert Slack
Theo Daley

Call time is 5:20 - warm it up and have fun!