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Re: 10pm Maestro - September 13th
Posted: September 9th, 2014, 1:24 am
by HerrHerr
I would love to play this week!
Ceej Allen:
Confidence Men
Franz & Dave
My Best Fiend
International Improv Experience
Late Night Time machine
Trust No One
Re: 10pm Maestro - September 13th
Posted: September 9th, 2014, 10:08 am
by Richard
Would love to play Maestro this week!
Richard Gentry
Hideout 1-7 grad
Lots of Jams
Some Maestros, Some Maestro RAWS
A Really Aggressive Dream in the Threefer
Favorite warmup is Convergence
Re: 10pm Maestro - September 13th
Posted: September 9th, 2014, 2:48 pm
by CagneyOrtiz
I would love to play, and my favorite warm-up is convergence!
Cagney Ortiz
Hideout graduate
Institution level 201 (current)
Dahl House
Maestros, Maestro RAWs, Fancy Pants, etc.
Re: 10pm Maestro - September 13th
Posted: September 9th, 2014, 6:14 pm
by OhNicole
I'd love to be considered.
Nicole Oliver
Warm Up - UMMMMMMMMMM... Character Endowment OR Beastie Rap
Re: 10pm Maestro - September 13th
Posted: September 9th, 2014, 6:26 pm
by normantran
On second thought, I have a scheduling conflict with 10pm Maestro this week. I take back my application.
Re: 10pm Maestro - September 13th
Posted: September 9th, 2014, 6:29 pm
by Chuy!
I would like to play!
Older than dirt.
My favorite warmup is called: "shhhh"
Re: 10pm Maestro - September 13th
Posted: September 9th, 2014, 11:20 pm
by Marc Majcher
Your Maestro cast for 9/13/2014!
Directors: Marc Majcher and Ruby Willmann
Tech: Lahari Samineni
Music: James Blair
Andrew Buck
Ceej Allen
Dean Palm
Heather Hasselle
Jessie Pascarelli
Kevin Miller
Manuel Duran
Nicole Oliver
Patrick Creamer
Richard Gentry
Tyler Lane
Call time is 9:20! Ruby and I will be coming from Reform School, so force Chuy to run warmups for you!