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Re: 10pm Maestro - August 2nd

Posted: July 29th, 2014, 11:02 pm
by jros14
Julian Rosenberg
Hideout levels 1-4
Maestro Raw
Fancy Pants
Also, a very delightful person to share tea with.

I'm down to tech as well!!

Re: 10pm Maestro - August 2nd

Posted: July 30th, 2014, 1:22 am
by Marc Majcher
Here are your Maestro players for August 2nd!

Directors: Justin Davis and Troy Miller
Music: James Blair
Tech: Julian Rosenberg

Adam Mengesha
Brad Hawkins
Brently Heilbron
Ceej Allen
Emma Czarnecki
Kyle Grier
Manuel Duran
Mike Carreon
Ryan Austin
Sarah Ponder
Tania Quintanilla
Thedward Blevins

Call time is 9:20 - Justin and Troy will be there to lead your favorite warmups!
Rock it!