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Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 5th, 2014, 1:32 pm
by rachelmarie
Rachel Denton
Currently in Level 2 @ The Hideout
1 Fancy Pants
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 5th, 2014, 2:35 pm
by laurenchavarria
Lauren Chavarria
Level 6 Hideout Student
Maestro, Maesteo Raw, Fancypants, SYE, Student Showcases levels 1-5
I would love to play! Also, not sure if this is ok to do, but I wanted to give props to someone on this forum! I saw her perform at her level 2 student showcase last night and I was BLOWN AWAY. She didn't miss a beat, had some amazing offers for her scene partners, and had me cracking up like crazy. So, yay for Sarah Heinzelman! Hope I get a chance to improvise with you in the future!!
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 5th, 2014, 8:19 pm
by jayrosenkrantz
Jay Rosenkrantz!
Hideout levels 1-4
PGraph Narrative Intensive
entering Level 7
played in Maestro 1x
toy poodle owner
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 5th, 2014, 9:06 pm
by lhobbie
Hey hey Maestros & Maestrisses, let's do this!
Lori Hobbie
Hideout 1-6
Fancy Pants
Maestro RAW
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 5th, 2014, 10:03 pm
by twich007
I want to play in ze Maestro Raw.
Current Level 5 at ze Hideout
I did ze Maestro Raw before. Once.
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 6th, 2014, 7:12 am
by sfeild
I'd love to play.
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 6th, 2014, 7:34 am
by ShannonD
Maestro Raw! Im ready, put me in coach.
I got some maestro, some level 6 hideout and some comedy sportz under my belt.
Id love to get in there.
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 6th, 2014, 8:48 am
by happywaffle
twich007 wrote:I want to play in ze Maestro Raw.
Current Level 5 at ze Hideout
I did ze Maestro Raw before. Once.
Your name would be helpful.
Re: Maestro RAW - May 10th - 6pm
Posted: May 6th, 2014, 11:32 pm
by Ruby W.
Here is your Maestro RAW Cast!
Directors: Ruby and Kevin Miller
Stuart F.
Andrew S.
Sarah H.
Lauren C.
Jay R.
Tech: Dylan M. (this means that if you sign up for the next Maestro RAW, you're automatically in!)
We had a lot of people sign up this week! If you didn't get in, no worries! We have Maestro RAW every Saturday at 6pm in May!!!
Call time is 5:20pm. Being late is a problem, so please don't be late.
Men, no t-shirts! Women, wear leggings under skirts/dresses!