Posted: July 14th, 2006, 1:26 pm
Arthur wouldn't know a winged serpent if it grew between his legs.shando wrote:Quetzlcoatl=Arthur=WRONG
Arthur wouldn't know a winged serpent if it grew between his legs.shando wrote:Quetzlcoatl=Arthur=WRONG
you're offended! i am the one who was insulted here. do you even know me? i am not around all that much anymore because i have a 2 year old. there aren't too many people in the AIC that i know well enough for them to say that. i hope you were kidding.Pussycake wrote:I am offended...
Hey...BLOW ME...if you can't take a joke you shouldn't be in comedy. That threatening tone of yours is pretty tough. Why don't you back it up? Come to the show tonight and I will kick your ass right after I am finished with Cell Block 69. I don't care how big you are!improvstitute wrote:you're offended! i am the one who was insulted here. do you even know me? i am not around all that much anymore because i have a 2 year old. there aren't too many people in the AIC that i know well enough for them to say that. i hope you were kidding.Pussycake wrote:I am offended...
Ahh... I get it. Harlotta von Sluttipants is actually a pensive 1970s-esque Neil Diamond.Harlotta von Sluttipants wrote:I am I no one there. And no one heard at all, not even the chair.
Are you one of those freak big-headed dudes from the Neverending Story?jeremylamb wrote:who am i?
You're a poor man's Bearded Lamb.jeremylamb wrote:who am i?
oh, come're not fooling anyone, Audrey.jeremylamb wrote:who am i?
easy, that's got phil all over it. 3am post. simple, yet elegant.jeremylamb wrote:who am i?
i'm as real as any of you people. like that's saying a lot.beardedlamb wrote:ratliff - Terp 2 It