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Posted: February 18th, 2011, 1:46 pm
by hujhax
The video of last night's show is now online.


peter rogers @ work |

I am naïve enough to read incessantly because I cannot, on my own, get to know enough people profoundly enough.
      -- Harold Bloom

Posted: February 24th, 2011, 8:54 am
by hujhax

Show tonight with Mr. Marc Majcher!


peter rogers @ work |

I kind of try to treat it like a job with a deadline, because otherwise, I don't do anything.  I just take naps and watch TV.
      -- Adam Schlesinger, on songwriting

Posted: February 25th, 2011, 2:28 pm
by hujhax
Watch the last Dancy Street show here.

Big thanks to the Hideout Theatre for letting us put on some musicals, and to everybody who came out to the shows!

(Next up:  GGGlee!)


peter rogers @ work |

That's the hidden blessing of insurmountable problems... no sense in trying to surmount them, so go grab a beer.
      -- David Lampe