Hey! Once again, I will be your Golf Czar for this year's festival. There will be many obstacles on the course. Some of them will be human beings. Maybe that includes you?
If you or your troupe would like to take over a hole in the tournament and provide a particular challenge to the players, please send me an email at:
je[NOSPAM]richo.thorp AT gmail.com
I trust you to figure out what to add and remove from that email address. I'll be happy to provide more details and answers to questions. Your main object is to make people have fun and/or screw with their minds.
If this sounds like fun, let me know.
Jericho Thorp
Golf Czar
Out Of Bounds Comedy Festival - 2010
Hole Masters Wanted
Discuss the festival, ask questions, and get the word out.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle