Back in 2007 I found an online show. I am now trying to find it again.
It was kind of like survivor improv. They had a cast of about 16 people and they would give them challenges at the beginning of the episode. I think it took place in New York or Chicago. One challenge in particular they drove the cast some where relatively far away from the theater and told them to make their way back on the kindness of strangers. The person who got back with the most money would win. They had to beg, borrow and steal to get money from strangers as well as get back to the theater. The winner of the challenge had immunity. Then each night the real challenge was a different long form. A panel of judges would then vote someone off of the cast.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? I'd really like to find it again.
Can't remember the name...?
Everything else, basically.
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