PLEASE NOTE: the questions I'm about to pose are not sarcastic or rhetorical. they are not intended to attack any one or any thing.
quoted from a post in another thread.
She hates short form, will not teach short form, and so will not play short form. Say the words "short form" to her, and she'll smack you.
is this different than saying you hate the harold or never want anything to do with it?
and if so, why is it ok to dog short form and not other longforms?
maybe it's not okay.
AS A REMINDER: the questions I have asked are not sarcastic or rhetorical. they are not intended to attack any one or any thing.
I would find a difference if, in this case, the person who stated this opinion had experience with short-form (performing, watching, etc.) and how much experience it was.
I thought these words were kind of harsh, too, but I felt the post was not malicious.
It is very hard to tell what a person is "saying" through these posts. Because of that, I give the post-er the benefit of the doubt that their hard words are not really intended to do damage, but are rather like when someone gives you a mock punch in the shoulder or ribs -- they may seem like a punch, but it's really just good-natured horseplay.
Of course horseplay & rough-housing can lead to bloody fights if not kept in check.
And, yes, Bob's point about experience makes them different. Hm.
beardedlamb wrote:
is this different than saying you hate the harold or never want anything to do with it?
and if so, why is it ok to dog short form and not other longforms?
(sorry for being talkative. but it's really slow training week.)
I think it's not about whether you dislike one form or not.
I think it's about having an opinion about something without giving it a fair chance or even seeing one.
Like.. people who think sushi is gross without ever putting it in your mouth.
I see we have another John Ratliff Memorial Taken-The-Wrong-Way Quote that requires defending.
When I wrote that Dyna dislikes short-form, well, that's true. But bear in mind that UCB training does not include short-form-for-performance. That's not their thing. Nothing wrong with doing things differently. Dyna is coming to teach in the style that has been cultivated at the UCB, and that means longform.
I did not intend to offend Maestro or short-form fans with that statement, which was mine and not hers. Perhaps that was harsh and not accurate. I did not mean for it to be taken as such. In fact, I wrote that in February, before discourse on the boards took on a more heated tone, and now I vet very carefully whatever I write up here that is not very obviously meant in jest.
I think the forums are a really dangerous place for misunderstandings and that we need to keep this in mind at all times in order for the forums to remain a palpable means of communication.
I also don't know why there is this great urge to dogpile someone if they say they don't like any aspect of improv. I'm sure there are aspects of our jobs, etc., that we don't like but why does not wanting to learn the Harold or play short-form automatically make someone a jerk?
I think the forums are a really dangerous place for misunderstandings and that we need to keep this in mind at all times in order for the forums to remain a palpable means of communication.
I also don't know why there is this great urge to dogpile someone if they say they don't like any aspect of improv. I'm sure there are aspects of our jobs, etc., that we don't like but why does not wanting to learn the Harold or play short-form automatically make someone a jerk?
i don't know if this is in reference to what i posted or something else. i definitely am not dogpiling her or writing her off. i was hoping my warnings would indicate that. i just wanted to ask the question, because i felt it was relevant.
and to clarify, how did i take the quote wrong? it seems pretty cut and dry to me. and besides, i wasn't trying to indicate any wrong doing. i was simply asking questions in my mind's soft, inquisitive tones.
i apologize if someone was offended or slandered. i did not intend that.
I wasn't offended. I just don't want people to not take her class because of something I wrote on the boards. Honestly, Dyna is not going to smack anyone. She's more of a biter. And her class will kick some serious ass. She's really an awesome teacher and improviser.
The dogpiling was more about the Harold debacle of two weeks ago. That was a dogpile. I feared this was a dogpile in the making. I hate dogpiles. Dogs and piles separately are okay.
Hmmmm, I wonder if I should respond to a topic that's basically been dead for 10 days, but since it's about me I guess I might as well.
I'm not as ragin' (or cajun) as Monique is hyping me to me. I'll say honestly, short form's not my bag. People who do it are very skilled and I doff my hat to them, but it's not for me.
I did shortform in high school and college and liked it well enough. The main paying job for improvisors here in NYC back in the day was also shortform and I went over to Chicago City Limits (which may not exist anymore, I haven't kept up) to see friends' shows, but by then I was pretty well invested with the UCB community.
One of the UCB founders was a frothing-at-the-mouth anti-Shortform guy but I couldn't get that worked up over it. I don't begrudge anyone their happiness.
I think maybe one of the "benefits" of having a huge array of improv here in NY is you're free to not like certain kinds of improv because there's plenty more where that came from.