Justin D. wrote:"You have to caress her face, and then you slip it in."
-- Theresa Kubos giving dating advice during February sixth's Maestro
"Don't fly an invisible airplane drunk, because if you crash, then nobody will know that you need help." -- Eric Heiburg as Wonder Woman doing stand-up
follow up to Eric's quote above, as he assumed the position of being downed in a seated position...
"And some homeless guy might think you're presenting!"
i nearly died! also...
"Mom, can I help?"
-Theresa, as the young daughter of a prostitute in a brothel scene
"'Never throw away a winnin' lottery ticket just 'cause it got your daddy's blood on it,' that's what momma always says." -sandra markarian, total panic
"I don't use the accident. I deny the accident." - Jackson Pollock
the_reverend wrote:during last night's Pgraph "Heat Death of the Universe" show. Kaci as a naked hillbilly in response to her nudity.
Kaci: "If God didn't give it to us, why am I wearing it?"
If I could transcribe it properly, I would nominate the exchange from the hobo scene where Roy, named "Frothy Carl" by Kaci, tries to introduce himself, but can't remember his name and says, "How's it going? I'm Drooling Dan or some shit". The 3-4 lines before and after that were all priceless.
The Heat Death of the Universe show (love that name) was great all around.
It's a good sign when there is a lot of paraphrasing going on. That generally means people are too busy laughing to remember the line exactly. Like me trying to remember a line Kacey said last night in the final Jerzey Shores show. It went something like this.
"I'm still trying to get over the baby that I was never pregnant with because you emotionally aborted it."
Guesting in a format called "20 [Films] in 30 [Minutes]:
"My husband is dead and I want to hire you to find out I killed him."
Jeff Britt as a Film Noir femme fatale
Noah playing a father who has gotten rid of his emotions was giving an explanation on why his wife needed to die. After being new choiced multiple times he just lifted a chair above his head in anger.
Ok, it's not a line but the scene quickly became one of my favorite scenes of all time.
I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.-Audrey Hepburn