Justin D. wrote:"The mailman is upstairs. He's delivering a package." -- Curtis
"I slept with my psychiatrist. It was weird though. With each different position, he asked, 'What does this make you think of?'' -- Asaf
I'm revising these with the details I can remember...
"Ethel is upstairs with the postman... A package is being delivered!" - Curtis
"On Monday I slept with my Freudian psychiatrist. It was weird, though. Every time we entered a different position, he asked, "What does this make you think of?" - Asaf
I also enjoyed Curtis' closing line of, "The mail has stopped coming."
In the Boy Toy show before that, I enjoyed the following lines from Brent Foshee about a very young actor (Arthur Simone) who was destined to be so famous there would "two gold-plated helicopters" in his future. "One for Wednesdays - and one for every other day of the week."