- Confidence Men
The Frank Mills
The Glamping Trip
Obviously, we hope to snare --um, attract a bunch of people who've never experienced improv before. But it would also be nice to see some friendly faces in the crowd, so we're offering improvisers half-price admission, i.e., five bucks instead of ten. The only catch is that the cheap tickets won't be available till that night, so if it sells out in advance -- we can dream, can't we? -- you're out of luck.
Otherwise, show up Sunday the 15th, proudly announce yourself as an improviser (we might ask for a quick iteration of "Czechoslovakia," just to make sure), plunk down a fin, and watch a great improv show with a bunch of swells. You could do a lot worse.
(And if you decide you want to splurge on certainty, you can buy advance tickets here.)
We are looking forward to this and hope you are too, now.