This Friday, as part of our third Friday lab series. This is where we test out shows that might be coming back for more later in the season.
Enter the world of the unspoken. Witness the complex layering of human interaction in a performance format that blurs the boundaries of the real and surreal, fiction and fantasy, theater and dance. Between the Lines is an evening-length improvised performance of theater, dance and music dreamed up by Jennifer Micallef.
Jason Vines
Mark Machjer
Topping Haggerty
Chell Garcia-Trais
Jennifer Micallef
Lisa Del Rosario
Kacey Saimee
Tom Truss
Gnap! presents Between the Lines
Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever
Gnap! presents Between the Lines
"She fascinated me 'cause I like to run my fingers through her money."--Abner Jaymadeline wrote:i average 40, and like, a billion grains?