Telling someone, "You ought to watch _The Wire_ -- it's worth the time," is like telling them, "You know what game you'd really enjoy? Chess."
-- 'nicanor', at
Wow, again guys thanks for a fantastic Maestro. Easily one of the best I've been a part of. It was as fun to watch from the wings as it was to play. I had a lot of real laugh moments and not those fake I'm going to be supportive laughs.
Again mega kudos to Marc and Ceej for some really great directing.
SUPER fun Maestro. I still have Jeff's work character stuck in my head and I'm not sad about it at all.
Thanks for letting me act like a five year old that had WAY to many pixie sticks, and thanks for making me laugh so much my sides hurt the next morning.
Last edited by SarahMarie on May 26th, 2009, 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
That "business" bit was not original. I stole it from Tami Nelson. She and Roy did that a couple of years ago at a Cagematch. I always thought that looked like fun, and I found out Saturday that it was.
That "business" bit was not original. I stole it from Tami Nelson. She and Roy did that a couple of years ago at a Cagematch. I always thought that looked like fun, and I found out Saturday that it was.