I don't argue that sexism doesn't still exist. It will likely always exist to at least some extent from both sides by people who's minds will never be changed. However, the percentage of cases of sexism keeping women from succeeding is on the decline.
I'm all for people speaking their minds...I don't really know what its going to change here though. I personally don't find any of this information eye opening, and I agree with jeff that some of it is quite frustratingly worded. Mostly, that's what about it irritated me. Several of the statements point more towards someone not making a personal choice to think for themselves. For example, "choosing between a career and motherhood". If a couple has a baby, won't someone have to sacrifice to take care of it? Of course it doesn't have to be the woman. "Choosing to want to cover your flaws"? well, choose to accept yourself. "Settling because its the easiest thing to do" well, shit, learn to think for yourself or you kind of deserve to be unhappy. "following tradition so you don't make anyone uncomfortable", gah...jesus, think for yourself.
I understand the arguments and your problem with gender roles, and I sympathize with your frustration. But, i'm with jeff again, it reads as bitterness, and whether or not you intended it to sound like complaining it reads like that to me because...well, to be fair, that's what you're doing. You're complaining about women's role in the arts. Call it whatever else you want, its still complaining.
kaci_beeler wrote:I know the premise was "post ironic or funny stereotype here", but I don't always feel like doing that. I get tired of jokes. Some times I have real things I feel like saying, things that I don't want to hide behind a stereotype or ironic joke.
I know you were well intentioned. No one was saying you shouldn't speak your mind, or that you shouldn't be allowed to say your serious thoughts. Say whatever you want...no one was saying anything that suggested that women shouldn't be allowed to succeed either...I suppose what I was saying in my initial response was that when given the choice between having fun, or preaching to the choir...I still don't really understand why you felt compelled to poop all over the party to make a point that the majority of us are aware of and agree with. If you don't always feel like joking that's fine, but you weren't forced to post. Deciding to post what you did was a bit irritating to me because, well...gahhh, i think we know this info, and I don't see it as likely to accomplish anything beyond spoiling the fun.
Dr.P is right, there is room for both. You're more than welcome to post whatever you want. Its the major havoc section. Hijack whatever thread you feel compelled to, I guess. Doesn't change the fact though that you're harshin my buzz by hijacking this thread to use it as a soapbox, and I couldn't help but wonder why.