Back in my depressed days, I had a playlist of songs that accurately described just what my life was like. I decided to give it a listen, and I'd say life has vastly improved since those days.
If you want to experience the bottomless black hole I used to face waking up every morning, I suggest you find a way to secure the whole list. If you have a Rhapsody account, links have been provided. You can also listen to 25 tracks for free if you're account-less, but be warned: each playlist is 20 tracks each.
Warning: Do not listen to this if you already feel like shit.
(Format: Track - Artist)
David's Steady Descent into Loneliness Part 1 - The Vocal Part:
Somebody - Depeche Mode
Someday - The Echoing Green
Electro-Shock Blues - Eels
Here Without You - 3 Doors Down
Epiphany - Staind
I Feel Like Going Home - Yo La Tengo
Be Like That - 3 Doors Down
Again - Lenny Kravitz
Sometimes - My Bloody Valentine
Shadow Of The Sun - Audioslave
Nothing Better - The Postal Service
Ever (Foreign Flag) - Team Sleep
Ache for You - Ben Lee
Let Go - Frou Frou
Pretending - HIM
23 - Jimmy Eat World
Teen Angst - M83
Cupola - Zeromancer
Rebirthing - Skillet
And All That Could Have Been - Nine Inch Nails
David's Steady Descent into Loneliness Part 2 - The Instrumental Part:
Last Saturday - M83
Leaving Hope - Nine Inch Nails
Gone - M83
Alone In Kyoto - Air
Gone, Still - Nine Inch Nails
Adrift & At Peace - Nine Inch Nails
The Persistence Of Loss - Nine Inch Nails
Let Men Burn Stars - M83
Theme From Battery - Amon Tobin
In The Cold I'm Standing - M83
Flim - Aphex Twin
Space Maker - Air
I Guess I'm Floating - M83
A Warm Place - Nine Inch Nails
Cumulus - Imogen Heap
Avril 14th - Aphex Twin
La Mer - Nine Inch Nails
Ghost (Part 2) - Buckethead
Watching The Boats With My Dad - Buckethead
Nannou 2 - Aphex Twin
Moonchild - M83