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Pick-a-Card Extended through July!!

Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.

Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever

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  • fbillac Offline
  • Posts: 284
  • Joined: March 2nd, 2006, 5:12 pm

Pick-a-Card Extended through July!!

Post by fbillac »

Hello fellow improvisors!

As the subject line states...Pick-a-Card the Improv Game Show has been extended through the month of July at Cap City Comedy Club.

If you have not seen it, get your butt over there. AIC members get in for FREE!!!.

Come see what others have hailed as-

"Fun show Dav...thanks for casting me!"

"I loved that show...what would you like for dinner later honey?"

"Way to go Dav! that was really funny...see ya at work tomorrow!"

Bring a friend and they get in FREE!!! as well. Hope to see you tonight!

"This football testoserone lovin mofo ain't diggin the jazz hands!"
Quoted from my wife when I was jazz handsing.