I was a little disappointed in last night's episode. Seemed like it was a set-up episode for reveals.
I agree. This episode felt like it was stalling.
1) The guy in the boat is Michael
2) Ben is time-jumping and a douchebag
3) The final Oceanic 6 member is Kate (+ baby)
Since this is my first post on the Lost board, I must air a longstanding grievance. For
once in that damn Lost universe, would someone please answer a question concisely, thoroughly and without reservation?
Guy 1: Is that blue or green?
Guy 2: Green. Let me tell you why. It has a specific reasons for being green which is blah blah blah. It is not, never has been and never will be blue because blah blah blah. And that's that.
but in the Lost-verse
Guy 1: Is that blue or green?
Guy 2: You must trust me that it's the right color.
Guy 1: You didn't answer my question.
Guy 2: I will tell you who or what made it the color that it is. Later.
Guy 1 (pulling a gun on Guy 2): I don't want to do this. Just name the color.
Guy 2: If you kill me, nothing will ever be blue again. And the orange people will kill you.
Guy 1(puts gun away): Let's go stare at the ocean and talk about red things.
AHH. Making that example made me hate Lost all the more. Hate-love, that is. Cheers.