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Global Warming

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that attitude is bullshit.

Post by deroosisonfire »

i'm just here to debate biology because that's what i know.
Wesley wrote:Species loss we DO play a roll in, but even then should not the question be asked "does species loss matter?" Sure, personally, I think it does for what are essentially personal reasons, but in nature--even though it can take long periods of time--mother nature has adapted, bred, destroyed, and replaced species many times without the help or hindrance of mankind.
of course it has. nature has caused multiple mass extinctions. we're currently losing species at a rate unknown during a non-mass extinction period. and i will concede that part of that may be that we know of more species now, so there are more to lose, but the point remains that species loss is a big fucking deal.

ever take aspirin? it comes from salicylic acid, which comes from the bark willow trees. what about diabetics? before some newer molecular techniques we had to grow pig cells from which to extract insulin. we need other species to survive. species need other species to survive. ecological webs are complex, and there is not a linear relationship between number of species and productivity - a community can only take so many hits before it collapses entirely.
DollarBill wrote:You know how they tell if species are extinct? They look for them... They look for them in a small area and then expand their findings. It's all guess work. Besides, if species don't die out, how are others to rise up?
Bill, how else do you know if a species is extinct? But it's not random, all species have home ranges, and biologists are well educated on where to look. And that's not quite right about the production of new species. Sometimes new species are formed from hybrids of old species. Sometimes by accumulated genetic change. What allows them to survive is that they have a niche they can exploit. In African lakes there are hundreds of species of cichlids that all coexist and live in the same place, to our eyes, but they feed on different things (algae on rocks, algae on dead fish, etc.) and that has allowed them to become reproductively isolated (unable to breed together) and led to speciation.
Wesley wrote:Are we merely the fittest species to yet come along (and would we not deserve, too, to be wiped out by any superior mechanical species we then construct) and thus we are granted immunity in our dealings with other, less-fit species? OR...have we become so smart as to effectively remove ourself from nature, from our status as "animal," and put ourselves on a course of sheperding that which we see as weaker and susecptible to our own craven ravengings?
we cannot remove ourselves from natural selection no matter how smart we are. natural selection is differential survival and reproduction and there is no way we can stop that - not everyone gets to reproduce, those that do don't have the same number of offspring.
DollarBill wrote:The world is fine. People who are afraid of global warming aren't fearing for the world. They are fearing for humans. The earth is such a complicated system that we shouldn't pretend to try and understand it, much less have the balls to think that we could destroy it in a hundred years.
sure, Bill, the world will keep on going, and it will change as it has since it was formed. and of course my concern for this is fear for humans - as i said above we depend on other species to live, and i think it's stupid to pretend that we could live without other species. preserving other species is preserving our own existence. and why wouldn't you support that?
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Post by phlounderphil »

seriously, who the hell farted?!
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Post by DollarBill »

Hey Christina, why don't you go marry... um... species?

Anyway, I know the circle of life is important. I'm just saying, there's so much alarmist bull shit circulating in the media without anyone really learning the facts. I hate arguing on the internet, so this must stop. I just had to get out my frustration cuz the latest issue of TIME made it sound like the world was going to incinerate tomorrow.

Austin is so smart. Miss y'all.
They call me Dollar Bill 'cause I always make sense.
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Post by beardedlamb »

DEROOS! Don't look now but there's a monkey about to twist your head off. kill it. kill it quick. ewww. step on it. STEP ON IT.
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Post by deroosisonfire »

DollarBill wrote:I hate arguing on the internet, so this must stop.
that's fair. i'll build up my hatred for the next few months until you return and then we can have a fist fight. if you win then global warming is bullshit. if i win then species are important and should be saved. if it's a draw, then we must each find a refrigerator, leak its freon into the atmosphere and wait to see the effect it has.
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Post by deroosisonfire »

oh, wait. we can't. that monkey ripped my head off. shit.
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Post by beardedlamb »

i only listen to george carlin and he agrees with bill. i have a bad habit of putting way too much weight with stand up comedians i enjoy. but he must be right. he spits out some facts so he must be right. well, at least he's got a library card. that's more than i can say.
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Post by deroosisonfire »

i'm sorry, but i just had to point out that bill nye is on my side: ... er.lg.html.

and i did improv once with bill nye. he told us what we did was good, but if we practiced it would be even better.
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Post by Evilpandabear »

too bad bill bye is more of an engineer than a biologist. and bill nye improvising with you only counts if he wore one of those redunkulous bow ties he always wears. so the big question now is, "Did he?"
"Anyone can teach improv. It's bullshit." -Andy Crouch on June 4th 11:33pm CST

Post by Wesley »

Let cooler heads prevail: The media heat up over global warming
Finally a voice of reason...George Will!
OK, forget George Will, but I do like the collection of clearly cited media quotes from the 1970's included toward the end:
While worrying about Montana's receding glaciers, Schweitzer, who is 50, should also worry about the fact that when he was 20 he was told to be worried, very worried, about global cooling. Science magazine (Dec. 10, 1976) warned of "extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation." Science Digest (February 1973) reported that "the world's climatologists are agreed" that we must "prepare for the next ice age." The Christian Science Monitor ("Warning: Earth's Climate is Changing Faster Than Even Experts Expect," Aug. 27, 1974) reported that glaciers "have begun to advance," "growing seasons in England and Scandinavia are getting shorter" and "the North Atlantic is cooling down about as fast as an ocean can cool." Newsweek agreed ("The Cooling World," April 28, 1975) that meteorologists "are almost unanimous" that catastrophic famines might result from the global cooling that the New York Times (Sept. 14, 1975) said "may mark the return to another ice age." The Times (May 21, 1975) also said "a major cooling of the climate is widely considered inevitable" now that it is "well established" that the Northern Hemisphere's climate "has been getting cooler since about 1950."

The simple an sobering fact is, that for all of our might, our power, our intelligence, our brash, cocky, arrogance...we know surprisingly little about the cosmos, including our own little rock that we are traveling around on and how it works.

I also agree that we should save species long enough to dissect and study them to see if they can benefit us before exterminating them. Also, we could save a number of species by cloning and genetic manipulation. If you make a toy blue whale that can fit in an aquarium or a teacup elephant that I can take to the dog walk and they would thrive. ;-)

Seriously, though, this topic is about dry, what's next? I nominate whether or not the holocaust ever happened.
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--Christina de Roos . . . Bain . . . Christina Bain

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Post by Evilpandabear »

sorry wes, but i can't let this die just yet. alright, after some brief research several facts have come up:

(1) More than 99% of all species that have ever existed on Earth are extinct.

(2) There have been "mass extinctions" in our geological past.

(3) There is more biodiversity TODAY then there ever has been in history.

(4) The RATE of extinctions/day is higher than it's ever been; however,...

(5) The total number of extinctions that can be related as a result of human interaction is SIGNIFICANTLY less than any of the "mass extinctions" of our geological past.

Draw your own conclusions. Personally, I feel this "modern mass extinction hysteria" is no different than doomsday panic. It doesn't help the cause either when it's pushed by organizations that say they are pro-environment but are actually more anti-establishment & corporate america. Senseless hysteria like this only serves as a spring board for crazed politicians to do horrendous things, like Nixon and his Endangered Species Act.
"Anyone can teach improv. It's bullshit." -Andy Crouch on June 4th 11:33pm CST
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Post by beardedlamb »

(1) More than 99% of all species that have ever existed on Earth are extinct.

(3) There is more biodiversity TODAY then there ever has been in history.

(5) The total number of extinctions that can be related as a result of human interaction is SIGNIFICANTLY less than any of the "mass extinctions" of our geological past.
you could have learned all of these from george carlin's hilarious award-winning, emmy-nominated 1993 stand-up routine "Jammin in New York" in the section entitled "The Planet is Fine."

And from the same album, also check out "Rockets and Penises in the Persian Gulf," a jaunty little romp into Bush politics and America's war tactics that still applies today!!!
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Post by Evilpandabear »

I used to have a great affinty towards the Carlin; however, ever since he pushed back his Austin Show 3 times and then canceled, I find my fandom waning. I had box seats at the Paramount too. BOX SEATS! Fuck George Carlin. Fuck him right in the ear.
"Anyone can teach improv. It's bullshit." -Andy Crouch on June 4th 11:33pm CST
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