And for tonight's posting trifecta, I present Civicspace It's a blog/content management system ("website") tuned for non-profits, advocacy groups, etc., based on Drupal. It has a nice calendar, makes event posting easy, has some CRM widget to help coordinate volunteers, track donors & contacts, and otherwise makes posting web goo pretty and easy. Or pretty easy.
It's got a bit more power than Serendipity (the blog software that runs I'm not completely sold on Civicspace but it hasn't struck me as being offensively stupid yet so give it a test drive and tell me what you think.
Also, I make the traditional distinction between as being for the general public and as being for the Co-op, AIC, AI, or whatever that-which-we-called-the-Co-op is being called now.
Anything about the AIC itself.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle