Passing this along from the Long Center:
We’ve got a guy coming to the Long Center in a couple weeks, David Crabb, who’s got a show called Bad Kid – it’s a one-man performance about growing up in Texas in the middle of nowhere as a goth kid in the 80s. It’s also got a workshop component (separate events):
Story Mining & Structure
In this workshop in conjunction with David Crabb's Bad Kid, students will learn to mine their experiences for personal narratives. Through the use of exercises involving theme, details and story structure, each student will leave class with a compelling 5-7 minute story.
Facilitated by David Crabb
Storytelling & Dynamic Character
In this active and intimate workshop in conjunction with David Crabb's Bad Kid, explore the fundamentals of storytelling through character and learn how to create satisfying stories by inhabiting character and creating space through our voice and body.
Wear clothes you can move in and come ready to share moments from your life that are fun, tragic, beautiful or ridiculous.
Facilitated by David Crabb and Josh Matthews
Storytelling and Character Workshops at the Long Center
Classes, training, and other opportunities for artistic and professional development.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever