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Upcoming casting calls, auditions, and tryouts.

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  • MasonPitluk Offline
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Post by MasonPitluk »

Hello! My name is Mason Pitluk and I am here to announce that auditions for Late Night Time Machine with Teddy Hancox will be held on Sunday, June 15th, at the Institution Theater from 10AM to noon-ish. You probably have several questions. As such, I have tried to answer the questions I’d imagine you’d have below.

What’s Late Night Time Machine with Teddy Hancox? And what parts are open to auditions?
Late Night Time Machine with Teddy Hancox is a time-travelling talk show from the golden era of late night (1968, to be precise). Our host, Teddy Hancox, is a hard drinkin’, hard smokin’, hard womanin’ but surprisingly likeable man of his time, for better and for worse. What sets us apart from your average late night show is the fact that we have a time machine which we use to fly in guests from the past, present, and future, and watch as the hijinks ensue. One guest each show will be an intriguing, real-life individual from 2014 Austin, while the other guests will be improvisers in character as celebrities, historical figures, or pop culture icons from any point in time. Think Genghis Khan, Marilyn Monroe, Abraham Lincoln. Actually, don’t think anything; we want you to pick and develop a character that YOU want to play. Got a solid impression? Got a favorite actor, rock star, or historical figure of interest? This is your chance audition as the person that you have always wanted to play. We don’t have any particular characters that need to be in the show. Instead, we want everyone auditioning to be genuinely excited to do so as to person they’ve chosen, because from that personal enthusiasm we know we’ll be able to assemble an exciting, eclectic, and incredible cast.

Who all is involved?
For those of you who were at the TIT pitch meeting and saw the three minute glimpse into the show we provided, you’ve already seen the team we’ve assembled, as well. LNTM started with myself, Tess Hermes, the world renowned James C. Leary (who will star as Teddy), and Clifton Highfield signed on the direct. Ceej Allen and Sydney Huddleston, who also lent us their talents for the pitch as David Lynch and the as-yet-unnamed intern/PA, respectively, and will also be appearing as such.

When will it be running?
Fridays at 10PM in September at The Institution Theater.

Why should I give a shit?
This show is going to be a ton of fun with an awesome atmosphere; ask a homie who was at the TIT pitch meeting. Most importantly, though, you get to audition as whoever you want!! You get to create a character that you know you’ll have fun with, or be someone you’ve always studied, respected, looked up to, been fascinated by, been entertained by or admired! Plus, rehearsal time for most of the cast will be a smaller commitment than your usual show, as will the actual show itself; many members of the cast will only need to commit to one date to appear in. We strongly believe that this will be an awesome experience for everyone involved, and hope that the lesser time commitments will appeal to those that already have a lot on their plate.

OH YEAH! A few final things:
Auditions will primarily feature improvised interviews with James in character as Teddy, giving each person a chance to tell us about who they are and get to know the Teddy character as well.

Beyond the mostly improvised interviews with guests, LNTM will also feature scripted behind the scenes story lines and horribly dated commercial sketches. Some shows may also feature a stand up guest, so feel free to try out with stand up material as well, but a strong character or historical or topical perspective will be key to piquing our interest.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact any or all of us via Facebook (Mason Pitluk, Tess Hermes, James C. Leary, Clifton Highfield) or email me ( or just hit me up (210-393-5627). Please contact me if you’d like to formally lock up a time slot to audition as well. Even if you don’t want to audition but are excited about the idea and would like to be involved, give us a shout! This will very much be a collaborative process and we look forward to assembling our team and hearing everyone’s ideas.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you at auditions (Sunday, 6/15, 10AM) or at the show in September!
  • Katie T. Offline
  • Posts: 133
  • Joined: October 24th, 2007, 10:41 am


Post by Katie T. »

This sounds like a great project! Will the improvised interview actors be part of the weekly rehearsals? Will they be part of the scripted work?
Katie Snacker
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