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Highdeas @ ColdTowne

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Highdeas @ ColdTowne

Post by TexasImprovMassacre »

In a terrible dystopian future, robots have taken over Earth.

Mankind has been all but wiped out, and any remaining humans are kept alive for only one reason; to be farmed for their entertainment ideas (as robots themselves are terrible at creating entertainment).

Every first Thursday of the month at 10pm at ColdTowne Theater the team of captive writers made up of the last surviving humans are brought into the "submission chamber" where they are forced to smoke space-drugs, and have their brains scanned to reveal a High-concept show idea to be made into entertainment for the robots...for example, "what if famous villains from horror and action movies were all mischievous teenagers who went to the same high school"?

A computer then generates a short simulation sample of the suggested idea for the robot's consideration. If the robot is not pleased, another writer is forced to smoke more space-drugs and have their brains scanned until a sufficient ideas has been produced.

Tickets Here:
