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PAID Improv Roles

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PAID Improv Roles

Post by Ryan Austin »

Hey everyone,
I'm co-directing/producing a comedy spoof of America's Got Talent for my company and we're in need of some fun improvisors to be contestants.

We've got all stars Jon Bolden, Andrew Buck and Sarah Marie Curry lined up as the talent "judges" so you'll get to come improvise with them!

The shoot is on Thursday May 1st at The Institution Theater and we'd like people to come by between 9am and 12pm. You will only be needed for 15-20 minutes and we can pay each person $20.

I know it's not much, but it only takes 20 minutes and it'll be a ton of fun!

The video is a spoof of America's Got Talent and the concept is that instead of strictly a talent show, it's a panel of judges that work for a university and are looking for talented professors.

What we're looking for is for each person to bring a "talent". The worse the talent, the better! (Wild characters and costumes highly encouraged) Magic, dance, singing (good and bad), poetry, performance art or ANYTHING you can think of are welcome. Just pick a time between 9am and 12pm, bring your made up or real talent, perform and improvise with Jon, Andrew and Sarah Marie!

The criteria it MUST adhere to is that all the contestants are professors and are using their talent in the classroom to teach. Think School of Rock but with any talent you like.

If you are interested, please RSVP with a specific time you can show up and what talent you plan to perform. email me at ryan at sparksight dot com to RSVP or if you have any questions.

Thanks! Hope to see you there.

Re: PAID Improv Roles

Post by Ryan Austin »

We're shooting this Thursday and there's still a few spots left if you want to get PAID to improvise with Jon Bolden, Andrew Buck and Sarah Marie! Email me!
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