Join AADT and New York's Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble for an open Soundpainting Workshop. Suggested Donation of $10, but pay what you can. Bring an instrument to play (if you have one) and some clothes that allow for movement.
PLEASE NOTE: AADT and SA are casting one improvisational actor for our upcoming production of The Bowie Project this coming January. It should also be noted AADT is forming an ongoing Austin Soundpainting group – Come see what it’s all about!!
What is Soundpainting?
SOUNDPAINTING is the live composing sign language for musicians, dancers, actors, poets, and visual artists working in the medium of structured improvisation created by New York composer Walter Thompson and the Walter Thompson Orchestra (WTO). The language is comprised of over 1000 gestures signed by the conductor/composer indicating the type of improvisation desired of the performers. Soundpainting is a sculpting tool. It allows a conductor to shape group improvisations in ways that were never previously possible.
More at
About the workshop: Strike Anywhere Artistic Director, Leese Walker and ensemble members, Rolf Sturm (musician) and Nolan Kennedy (actor) along with Andrea Ariel (dancer) will lead participants to learn a couple dozen SOUNDPAINTING gestures and will employ these gestures in a series of compositions by the end of the workshop.
Come play!
Andrea Ariel Dance Theater
Upcoming casting calls, auditions, and tryouts.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever
Andrea Ariel Dance Theater
"She fascinated me 'cause I like to run my fingers through her money."--Abner Jaymadeline wrote:i average 40, and like, a billion grains?