Spots wrote:Is it safe to say this book caters to players who enjoy following their sense of strategy over their sense of intuition?
I think
Improv for Everyone caters to someone who's been performing for a while and wonders why he still can't nail scene starts or the meat of what makes a good scene.
My theory is that there has never been a definitive improv curriculum that can guarantee a student being able to perform a solid scene. Teachers have, instead, coupled practice with various training exercises, but never attempted to take students through an A + B + C approach that helps when just getting started.
That said, a lifetime of mistakes and watching good performers more than makes up for a lack of pragmatic training, but there isn't anything wrong with trying to actually codify training. Who knows? We all might have missed something coming up that this book covers.
Spots wrote:On your chart I see "Touch something on the downstage wall" as an example and my curiosity is piqued. Is it a comprehensive theory or is it small bits collected from various teachers compiled in one place? Could you offer a quick summary of the overall approach or just a certain part that inspired you?
This was from a section towards the very end of the book called "Mirco-Techniques". They were tips that didn't necessarily deserve their own chapter, but kept with the major theme of the work which was, "Oh, you don't have preternatural talent? Then let's develop a system to fake it so your scenework doesn't make you look like an asshole."
That's kind of the point of the chart I created, too. It's a system for the book, which I found a little too complex and un-illustrated to understand 100% on the first read-through. I graphed all the lessons into what I believe to be a more logical pattern. Hopefully, the combination of the book and the mindmap helps others, too.
If you have any other questions, I'd suggest reading the book first. It's about the three day read--maybe less if you use my handy chart
Epub: ... 0Greg.epub
Mobi: ...
Newest version of the chart: ... e%20V4.pdf
Also, make sure you support the author by purchasing a copy (or several) of the book. It's well worth the $10.